Alternative Nobelprize winners guests at ZEF again

May 29, 2012.  

Anwar Fazal from Malaysia, Nnimo Bassey from Nigeria and Zafrullah Chowdury from Bangladesh, all laureates of the Alternative Nobel Prize, are guests at ZEF during the Right Livelihood College workshop week from June 2-10, 2012. They meet and work with 21 doctoral students from all over the world.


Ole von Uexküll, nephew of the founder of the Alternative Nobel Prize Jakob von Uexküll and current director of the Right Livelihood Award is also among the guests in Bonn. Besides the three laureates, 21 doctoral students from all over the world participate in the workshop in Bonn. The program includes internal and public events in and around the city of Bonn.


The Campus of the Right Livelihood College in Bonn was founded in 2011 as the fourth campus worldwide and is supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). The RLC Campus in Bonn promotes the academic and practical exchange between laureates and young scientists, especially from developing countries. The DAAD grants stipends to young scientists, so they can work in and accompany local projects of the laureates with academic support. In turn, the laureates are invited to Germany as guest lecturers.


Public events:

Monday, June 4, 19:00 hrs: Public Panel Discussion „Mobilization for Change: How Education Can Cultivate Social and Ecological Engagement“ With: Dr. Zafrullah Chowdhury (RLA Laureate), Prof. Dr. Anwar Fazal (RLA Laureate), Nnimmo Bassey (RLA Laureate) and Prof. Dr. Marcelo da Veiga (Rector of Alanus University). Moderation: Prof. Dr. Silja Graupe (Alanus University). Alanus University, Foyer Campus II, Villestr. 3, 53347 Alfter, 0 22 22/93 21-0


Tuesday, June 5, 19:30 hrs: Official opening of photo exhibition: „Silent Heroes - Laureates of the Alternative Nobel Prize”, Opening speeches by Prof. Dr. Jürgen Wilhelm (LV Rheinland), Jürgen Nimptsch (Bonn Lord Mayor), Prof. Dr. Anwar Fazal (RLA Laureate), Ole von Uexküll (RLA Foundation Stockholm). Visit of exhibition, reception at Museum lobby. Rheinisches Landesmuseum Bonn, Lobby, Colmantstr. 14-16, 53115 Bonn, 0 228/2070-0


Thursday, June 7, 14-16:00 hrs: International Scientific Theatre „Setting the Stage for Sustainable Consumption“. MSc Environmental Governance Programme, University of Freiburg. Zentrum für Entwicklungsforschung. Conference Room, Walter-Flex-Straße 3.

53113 Bonn, 0228/731971


Friday, June 8, 16-17:30 hrs:

Public talk by Prof. Dr. Anwar Fazal, „Alternative Nobel Prize“ laureate, Malaysia. „Mobilization for Change: The Right Livelihood Way”. University Club Bonn, Konviktstr.9, 53113 Bonn



Brief information on the laureates coming to Bonn:

Prof. Dr. Anwar Fazal: Malaysian activist for consumers’ rights. Awarded the „Alternative Nobel Prize“ in 1982.


Nnimmo Bassey: Environmental and human rights activist from Nigeria. He was awarded the „Alternative Nobel Prize“ in 2010 for his fighting against the human and ecological impacts of oil production in the Delta of Nigeria.


Dr. Zafrullah Chowdhury is an activist for the improvement of public health. Due to his efforts a „National Drug Policy“ came into effect in Bangladesh in 1982, which made cheap production of drugs for the poor population possible. He was awarded the „Alternative Nobel Prize“ in 1992.


Dr. Till Stellmacher


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