Latest ZEF news no.29 published!

April 24, 2014.  

In this<link fileadmin webfiles downloads zefnews zef_news_29_en.pdf download file> ZEF news you can read about the following ZEF research foci: Bio-energy from the developing world - squaring the circle? (<link fileadmin webfiles downloads news zef_news_29_2014 zef_news_29_englisch_denich_virchow.pdf download file>editorial), challenges and opportunities of <link fileadmin webfiles downloads news zef_news_29_2014 zef_news_29_englisch_denich_virchow.pdf download file>biomass production in Africa and ZEF's research on the nexus of <link fileadmin webfiles downloads news zef_news_29_2014 zef_news_29_englisch_4_5.pdf download file>bio-energy and food security.

A ZEF doctoral student from Ecuador reports about his field research in his home country on the impact of <link fileadmin webfiles downloads news zef_news_29_2014 zef_news_29_englisch_jara.pdf download file>rural electrification programs.

Besides informing about different aspects of bio-energy this ZEF news contains articles about difficulties of access to fresh <link fileadmin webfiles downloads news zef_news_29_2014 zef_news_29_englisch_jia.pdf download file>water resources in China, and <link fileadmin webfiles downloads news zef_news_29_2014 zef_news_29_englisch_hill.pdf download file>irrigation management in trans-Himalaya.

Two contributions deal with the role of gender: one on domestic <link fileadmin webfiles downloads news zef_news_29_2014 zef_news_29_englisch_rakib_matz.pdf download file>crisis management in Bangladesh and the other on <link fileadmin webfiles downloads news zef_news_29_2014 zef_news_29_englisch_villamor.pdf download file>land use planning in Indonesia.

Read how farmers handle <link fileadmin webfiles downloads news zef_news_29_2014 zef_news_29_englisch_mandler_hornidge.pdf download file>transition processes in Central Asia and Caucasus- which has been investigated by a team of researchers on the basis of farmers' diaries in these regions.

<link http: external-link-new-window external link in new>WASCAL's new executive director, Laurent Sédogo, tells in an <link fileadmin webfiles downloads news zef_news_29_2014 zef_news_29_englisch_sedogo.pdf download file>interview about his expectations of and plans with the WASCAL program.





Alma van der Veen


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