ZEF and PARI project at the G20 conference in Berlin
April 27, 2017.
April 27-28, 2017. ZEF and PARI are at the G20 conference ONE WORLD – No Hunger. Future of the rural world in Berlin, April 27-28, 2017. The conference's focus is on Innovation, Youth, Employment. Around 10 ZEF doctoral students attend the conference.
ZEF- Director Joachim von Braun gives a presentation about the Berlin Charta, see program<link http: www.bmz.de de zentrales_downloadarchiv themen_und_schwerpunkte ernaehrung conference_programme_one_world_no_hunger_future_of_the_rural_world.pdf external-link-new-window external link in new> here.
For more information about the conference look <link http: www.bmz.de en issues food konferenz_zukunft_laendlicher_raum index.html external-link-new-window external link in new>here.