More than carbon price: Interview in Nature Climate Change with ZEF doctoral student

April 25, 2012.  

Utkur Djanibekov is a doctoral student in ZEF's department of Technological and Economic Change, conducting research on afforestation in his home country Uzbekistan. Utkur is working with the interdisciplinary project "Opportunities for climate change mitigation and adaptation through afforestation of degraded lands in Central Asia", which is funded by the Robert Bosch Foundation and conducted at ZEF.


Utkru Djanibekov was interviewed by Nature Climate Change on the occasion of an article he co-authored and which was published in the "Forest Policy and Economics journal"*. It deals with the results of the Robert Bosch funded project.


Below you can download the full interview with Utkur Djanibekov.


*Djanibekov U., Khamzina A., Djanibekov N., Lamers J.P.A. 2012. How attractive are short-term CDM forestations in arid regions? The case of irrigated croplands in Uzbekistan. DOI:10.1016/j.forpol.2012.01.006



Alma van der Veen


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