"Child labour: an Ethiopian perspective" - Article by Essa C. Mussa

September 15, 2017.  

"Child labour: an Ethiopian perspective" - Article by Essa C. Mussa

Child labour continues to be a major global development issue, mainly in developing countries where family-farm agriculture employs the majority of the labour force. A tracking study from rural Ethiopia looks at the impact of child labour on the job situation in adult life. Exclusive childhood work has detrimental effects on early human capital formation and on earnings when adult. However, the authors of the study argue that beneficial impacts of child labour can be fostered by suitable policies limiting work participation among children and promoting their schooling.

<link http: www.rural21.com english current-issue detail article child-labour-an-ethiopian-perspective-00002479 external-link-new-window internal link in current>Read full article here.

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