"Africa: Calls for Transparency Over Marked Increase in Land Deals"

February 10, 2020.  

"An international coalition of researchers and NGOs have released the world’s largest public database of international land deals, reports the Global Development blog of The Guardian’s (UK). This marks an important milestone in highlighting a developmental issue that has received little attention in the international news cycle. The report states that almost 5% of Africa’s agricultural land has been bought or leased by investors since 2000, and emphasizes the fact that this is not a new issue, yet points out that the number of such land deals has increased tremendously in the past five years."

[...] quote in article by ZEF Director Prof. Joachim von Braun:

"It is in the long-run interest of investors, host governments, and the local people involved to ensure that these arrangements are properly negotiated, practices are sustainable, and benefits are shared. Because of the transnational nature of such arrangements, no single institutional mechanism will ensure this outcome. Rather, a combination of international law, government policies, and the involvement of civil society, the media, and local communities is needed to minimize the threats and realize the benefits."

Read full article here.

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