C3 "Water and social mobility – An Analysis of Hydroscapes at the High Mountain Regions of Pakistan"
Anna Grieser
Prof. Dr. Martin Sökefeld
Water is among the most important and most contested resources of the Crossroads region. There are several levels of conflicts about the utilisation of water. Local interests may contradict national interests, and concerns in different areas of a river system may also be in conflict. The project will examine the multiple meanings of water and environment in the high mountain areas of Pakistan, taking economic, environmental, legal-political, social, and spatial, as well as on different levels pragmatic, institutional, and symbolic aspects into account. This project will employ social anthropological methods. Local as well as regional and macro-level actors and perspectives will be included in the research.
Sökefeld, Martin und Marta Bolognani (i.E.): Kashmiris in Britain: A Political Project or a Social Reality? In: Bolognani, Marta und Steve Lyon (Hg.): The Mirror Cracked. Basingstoke.
Sökefeld, Martin (2009): Diaspora und soziale Mobilisierung: Kaschmiris in Großbritannien. In: Rürup, Miriam (Hg.): Praktiken der Differenz: Diasporakulturen in der Zeitgeschichte. Göttingen: 257-271.
Sökefeld, Martin (2005): From Colonialism to Postcolonial Colonialism: Changing Modes of Domination in the Northern Areas of Pakistan. In: Journal of Asian Studies 64 (4): 939-974.