
Bekele Hundie and Assefa Admassie

About a quarter of Ethiopia’s land area is estimated to be affected with considerable levels of land degradation (Chapter 2 of this book). The earlier estimates of the economic costs of land degradation in the country have indicated that at least 3% of the national GDP is lost annually due to soil erosion alone. However, these estimates do not take into account many off-site costs and losses of ecosystem functions of soils due to land degradation. While the degree may vary depending upon situations that govern decisions at household level or beyond, farmers exercise sustainable land management (SLM) practices, either as a result of external inducements or by their own initiatives. In this chapter, we identify the key drivers of land degradation in the country using a household survey and secondary data. Moreover, we analyze the determinants of the adoption of SLM practices on the one hand, and examines the link between food security and SLM practices on the other hand. Based on this, bio-economic modeling of action vs inaction against land degradation, including simulation of selected institutional and policy options is conducted. We conclude with policy implications and recommendations.

» Ethiopia case study

» Policy brief

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