Juliana Minetto Gellert Paris

Working Title: "Shifting towards sustainable and healthier dietary patterns in the Metropolis Ruhr, Germany"

Research Countries: Germany

Research Themes: sustainable diets, human nutritional health, One Health, nutrition-environmental life cycle assessment, dietary shift


Refashioning the food system is imperative, to ensure human nutrition, health, and environmental conservation. Dietary choices are responsible for the global burden of obesity, and related non-communicable-diseases, as well as, the primary driver of environmental degradation resulted from food production and consumption. In Germany, obesity and overweight have a high prevalence among the population, in which half of the risks factors contributing to disability-adjusted-life-years derives from dietary factors, mainly related to cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.  Additionally, animal-based food consumption is higher than recommended, and has contributed to environmental impacts, such as greenhouse gases emissions, land use, water use and biodiversity loss, not only nationally, but also in other countries. Beyond addressing nutritional public health issues, it is necessary to reduce the damages to the ecosystems and the use of natural resources. However, it is not always clear that higher nutritional quality has a positive correlation to lower environmental impact. There is a need to use innovative and transdisciplinary methods and to integrate nutritional with environmental impact assessments of diets. Therefore, this research intends to assess the impacts on the human nutritional health and ecosystem health of self-selected diets in a German metropolitan region, using a sophisticated nutritional-environmental life cycle assessment. Furthermore, a sustainable and health score would support the rate of the population and evaluate possible dietary shifts that offer healthier and environmentally sustainable outcomes.  This study helps to integrate human nutrition and ecosystem health, complementing the already existing One Health framework, which underpins the human-animal-environmental domains of food systems, with the incorporation of a “nutritional-ecological” study, which supports dietary shifts and healthier food systems.


Prof. Dr. Christian Borgemeister (ZEF)

Prof. Dr. Ute Nöthlings (IEL)


Phone: +49 228 / 73 - 6726

Email: s7jumine(at)uni-bonn.de

Poster and photo presentations

Poster: Sustainability of diets under the One Health in the Ruhr area during COVID-19

» Download poster

Photos: Sustainable Diets in the Ruhr Metropolis Germany

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