Dr. Abdul Salam Lodhi

Country of current residence


Current position


Current institute employer

University College of Zhob, BUITEMS, Pakistan




Agricultural Economist

Degrees / expertise

MS (Management & Economics )

Balochistan University of Information Technology

Engineering & Management Sciences, Quetta, Pakistan


M.Sc (Hons) Agricultural Economics

University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan.


B.Sc (Hons) Agricultural Economics

University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan.


Professional experience

Working as Assistant Professor

[ Oct.18th 2007 up to date]

In Department of Economics,

Faculty of Management, Sciences.

Balochistan University of Information Technology

Engineering. & Management Science, Quetta,Pakistan.



Worked as Lecturer

[June 9th 06 to Oct.18th 07]

in Department of Economics,

Faculty of Management, Sciences.

Balochistan University of Information Technology

Engineering. & Management Science, Quetta, Pakistan.



Worked as Lecturer

[ May 10th 2004 to June 8th 2006 ]

in Department of Economics,

Balochistan Agricultural College, Quetta, Pakistan.



Worked as Deputy District Officer, Basima District Kharan [ August 15th 2001 to May 10th 2004 ]

in Department of Agricultural Extension, Government of Balochistan, Pakistan.


Worked as Agriculture Officer, Mashkey, District Awaran [ August 28th 1999 to August 15th 2001]

in Department of Agricultural Extension, Government of Balochistan, Pakistan.



Salam Lodhi, A.  2012.  Education, Child Labor and Human Capital Formation in Selected Urban and Rural Settings of Pakistan.  Doctoral thesis at  Faculty of Agriculture, University of Bonn.  Further Information


Lodhi, S.A., D. Tsegai and N. Gerber.  2011.  Determinants of participation in child’s education and alternative activities in Pakistan. ZEF Discussion Papers on Development Policy No. 159, Center for Development Research, Bonn. ISSN 1436-9931..  Further Information


Choudhary, Mohammad Abbas , A. S. Lodhi, Maqsood Ahmad, and Mir Ahmed.  2008.  A Comparative Study of Cost of Production and Decision Making Analysis In Case of Onion and Sunflower Crops in Quetta District, Pakistan.  Download [PDF]
Download (english) [PDF]
Download (german) [PDF]
Further Information


Khair, S.M., Ali, A. and A.S. Lodhi.  2003.  Production Constraints Of Soybean In Upland Balochistan. Asian Journal of Plant Sciences.. 


Lodhi, A.S., Javed, M.S. and Khair, S.M..  2002.  Comparative Profitability Of Various Rearing Systems Of Smallrumaints In Balochistan. Balochistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences.. 
Lodhi,A.S., Hyder, A. U., Yaqoob, M and Gondal, K.Z..  2002.  Smallrumaints Production Practices In Upland Ranges Of Balochistan. Pakistan Veterinary Journal.. 

Additionals, Curriculum Vitae
and Downloads
Research themes
  • Renewable energy
Research countries
  • Pakistan
Professional experience
Working as Assistant Professor [ Oct.18th 2007 up to date] In Department of Economics, Faculty of Management, Sciences. Balochistan University of Information Technology Engineering. & Management Science, Quetta,Pakistan. Worked as Lecturer [June 9th 06 to Oct.18th 07] in Department of Economics, Faculty of Management, Sciences. Balochistan University of Information Technology Engineering. & Management Science, Quetta, Pakistan. Worked as Lecturer [ May 10th 2004 to June 8th 2006 ] in Department of Economics, Balochistan Agricultural College, Quetta, Pakistan. Worked as Deputy District Officer, Basima District Kharan [ August 15th 2001 to May 10th 2004 ] in Department of Agricultural Extension, Government of Balochistan, Pakistan. Worked as Agriculture Officer, Mashkey, District Awaran [ August 28th 1999 to August 15th 2001] in Department of Agricultural Extension, Government of Balochistan, Pakistan.

MS (Management & Economics )

Balochistan University of Information Technology

Engineering & Management Sciences, Quetta, Pakistan


M.Sc (Hons) Agricultural Economics

University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan.


B.Sc (Hons) Agricultural Economics

University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan.


Doctoral research funded by

HEC Pakistan, BMZ (GTZ)

Cooperation partners

Balochistan University of Information Technology Engineering and Management Sciences, Quetta, Pakistan

Abdul Salam Lodhi

Former Junior Researcher

Former Division/Group:
Economic and Technological Change

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