Dr. Christine Husmann

Current position


Current institute employer

Realschule Düren

Degrees / expertise

PhD in Agriculture Diplom in Geography & Bachelor of Science of Economics and Business Administration


Husmann, C.  2016.  Marginality as a Root Cause of Poverty: Identifying Marginality Hotspots in Ethiopia.  World Development, 78   : 420–435   . Further Information
Husmann, C.  2016.  Institutional Innovations for Encouraging Private Sector Investments: Reducing Transaction Costs on the Ethiopian Formal Seed Market.  In: Gatzweiler, F.W. & J. von Braun (eds.): Technological and Institutional Innovations for Marginalized Smallholders in Agricultural Development. Springer.   125-141.  Further Information
Virchow, D., Husmann, C. and Keatinge, J.D.H.  2016.  Possibilities and constraints of horticulture for development (H4D) - an overview.  Acta Horticulturae, 1128   : 291-298   . Further Information


Husmann, C.  2015.  Transaction costs on the Ethiopian formal seed market and innovations for encouraging private sector investments.  Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture, 54(1)   : 59-67   .
Husmann, C., von Braun, J., Badiane, O., Akinbamijo, Y., Abiodun, F.O. and D. Virchow.  2015.  Tapping Potentials of Innovation for Food Security and Sustainable Agricultural Growth: An Africa-Wide Perspective.  ZEF Working Paper Series, 144   . Download [PDF | 1.75MB]


Baumüller, H., C. Husmann & J. von Braun.  2014.  Innovative Business Approaches for the Reduction of Extreme Poverty and Marginality?.  In: J. von Braun & F.W. Gatzweiler (eds.): Marginality. Addressing the Nexus of Poverty, Exclusion and Ecology.. Springer.   331-352.  (Open Acess)  Further Information
C. Husmann.  2014.  The private sector and the marginalized poor – opportunities to reduce poverty and marginality in rural Ethiopia.  Further Information
Graw, V. & C. Husmann.  2014.  Mapping Marginality Hotspots. Geographical Targeting for Poverty Reduction..  In: J. von Braun & F.W. Gatzweiler (eds.): Marginality. Addressing the Nexus of Poverty, Exclusion and Ecology. Springer.   69-84.  Further Information
Husmann, C..  2014.  The private sector and the marginalized poor - An assessment of the potential role of business in reducing poverty and marginality in rural Ethiopia.  Doctoral thesis at  Faculty of Agriculture, University of Bonn.  Further Information


Husmann, C.  2013.  Business opportunities versus socialist heritage: the role that business can play in reducing poverty in rural Ethiopia.  In: Hendry, J.R., M. Baucus and A. Barraquier (eds.): Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference of the International Association for Business and Society. IABS.   164-176. 


Graw, V. and C. Ladenburger.  2012.  Mapping Marginality Hotspots. Geographical Targeting for Poverty Reduction.  ZEF Working Paper Series No. 88, Center for Development Research, University of Bonn Download [PDF | 1.73MB]
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Further Information


Brandi, C., C. Ladenburger and A. Pegels.  2010.  Intellectual property rights as a challenge to providing global public goods: the cases of public health, food security and climate stability.  DIE Discussion Paper 17/2010 Further Information


C. Husmann.  Transaction costs on the Ethiopian formal seed market and innovations for encouraging private sector investments.  Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture, 1/2015   .
Virchow, D., C. Husmann & J.D.H. Keatinge.  Possibilities and Constraints of Horticulture for Development (H4D) – An Overview.  Acta Horticulturae, .

Additionals, Curriculum Vitae
and Downloads
Research themes
  • Institutions
  • Growth, inequality and poverty
  • Markets and services
  • Innovation and science policy
Research countries
  • Ethiopia
  • India
  • Madagascar
Research projects

PARI - Program of Accompanying Research for Agricultural Innovation

Additional Information:

Senior Researcher in PARI (http://research4agrinnovation.org/), focus on private sector topics, poverty reduction and innovations


PhD in Agriculture Diplom in Geography & Bachelor of Science of Economics and Business Administration

Funding institutions


Christine Husmann

Former Senior Researcher

Former Division/Group:
Economic and Technological Change

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