Dr. Daniel Tutu Benefoh

Country of current residence


Current position

Principal Programme Officer

Current institute employer

Environmental Protection Agency



Website current institute





Geology, Environmental Policy

Degrees / expertise

MSc. Geo-information for Natural Resource Management with Distinction, ITC, University of Twente

Supervisors of
doctoral work

Prof. Dr. Christian Borgemeister and Prof. Meine Van Noordwijk

Advisor at ZEF

Dr Grace Villamor


Benefoh, D.T., G.B. Villamor, M. van Noordwijk, C. Borgemeister, W. Asamte and K.O. Asubonteng.  2018.  Assessing land-use typologies and change intensities in a structurally complex Ghanaian cocoa landscap.  Applied Geography, 99   .
Tutu, D.B.  2018.  Assessing land-use dynamics in the Ghanaian cocoa landscape.  Doctoral thesis at  Faculty of Agriculture, University of Bonn.  Further Information


Ackom, E. and D.T. Benefoh.  2016.  Energy and low carbon development efforts in Ghana: institutional arrangements, initiatives, challenges and the way forward.  AIMS Energy, 4 (3)   : 481-503   .

Additionals, Curriculum Vitae
and Downloads
Research themes
  • Governance
  • Governance and conflict

MSc. Geo-information for Natural Resource Management with Distinction, ITC, University of Twente

Funding institutions


Supervisors of
doctoral work

Prof. Dr. Christian Borgemeister and Prof. Meine Van Noordwijk

Advisor at ZEF

Dr Grace Villamor

Former Junior Researcher

Former Division/Group:
Ecology and Natural Resources Management

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