Dr. Barnabas Akurigo Amisigo

Country of current residence


Current position

Research Scientist

Current institute employer

CSIR-Water Research Institute



Website current institute



Water Resources Engineering

Degrees / expertise

Msc, Water Resources Engineering, Uni. of Guelph, Canada;

BSc., Agricultural Engineering, KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana

Professional experience

Research Scientist, CSIR-Water Research Institute, Ghana, since 1991


Amisigo, B. A., N. van de Giesen, et al..  2007.  Monthly Streamflow Prediction in the Volta Basin of West Africa: A SISO NARMAX Polynomial Modeling.  Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, . Further Information
Amisigo, B.A., van de Giesen, N., & Andah, W.E.I.  2007.  A Hybrid Metric-Conceptual (HMC) Model for Monthly Riverflow Prediction in the semi-arid Volta Basin of West Africa.  . Further Information


Amisigo, B.  2005.  Modelling riverflow in the Volta basin of West Africa: A Data-Driven Framework.  Thesis at  Technische Universeit Delft, NL.  Ecology and Development Series No. 34, Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen.   Further Information
Amisigo, B. A. and N. C. van de Giesen.  2005.  Using a spatio-temporal dynamic state-space model with the EM algorithm to patch gaps in daily riverflow series.  Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 9, : 209-224   .

Additionals, Curriculum Vitae
and Downloads

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Research themes
  • Governance
Research countries
  • Ghana
Research projects
Glowa-Volta Project
Working groups


Additional information

Home Institute: CSIR-Water Research Institute, Box M32, Accra, Ghana

Professional experience
Research Scientist, CSIR-Water Research Institute, Ghana, since 1991

Msc, Water Resources Engineering, Uni. of Guelph, Canada;

BSc., Agricultural Engineering, KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana

Funding institutions

BMBF, Glowa-Volta

Doctoral research funded by

BMBF and Glowa-Volta, Germany

Cooperation partners

ZEF-Bonn University, Germany;

TUDelft, The Netherlands

Barnabas Akurigo Amisigo

Former Junior Researcher

Private website:

Former Division/Group:
Ecology and Natural Resources Management

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