Dr. Jumanne Moshi Abdallah

Country of current residence


Current position


Current institute employer

Sokoine University of Agriculture



Website current institute
Office address

Sokoine University of Agriculture, Department of Forest Economics, P.O.Box 3011,Chuo Kikuu Morogoro, Tanzania

Office phone

+255732930589 or +255 23 260 3511- 4/2604648,Ext 4272, Ext 4604

Office fax

+255 23 2604648

Private phone

+255 787255301

Professional memberships

DAAD Alumni, Tanzania Association of Foresters




Productive efficiency, Resource Governance, Resource conflicts analysis, Political Ecology

Degrees / expertise

PhD, M. Sc. in Forestry, B. Sc. in forestry

Professional experience

Productive efficiency, Natural Resource Governance and Conflicts


Abdallah, J. M. and J. Sauer.  2007.  Forest Diversity , tobacco production and resource management in Tanzania. Forest Policy and Economics. 
Abdallah, J.M., B. Mbilinyi, Y. M. Ngaga and Aku OK'ting'ati.  2007.  Impact of flue-cured Virginia on Miombo woodland: a case of small-scale flue-cured Virginia production in Iringa region, Tanzania. DISCOVERY AND INNOVATION. 
Monela, G.C. and Abdallah, J.M..  2007.  External policy impacts on Miombo forestry development.  In: Dube Y. C. and Schminuthusen, F (eds.): Cross-sectoral Policy Developments in Forestry . CAB International Publishers.   (15) 116-124.  Further Information


Abdallah, J.  2006.  Economic and Productive Efficiency Analysis of tobacco and Impact on the Miombo Woodlands of Iringa Region, Tanzania.  Thesis at  ZEF.  Download [DOC]

Additionals, Curriculum Vitae
and Downloads
Research countries
  • Tanzania
Professional experience
Productive efficiency, Natural Resource Governance and Conflicts

PhD, M. Sc. in Forestry, B. Sc. in forestry

Funding institutions

DAAD, AFORNET, Enbassy of Norway in Tanzania

Doctoral research funded by

DAAD, AFORNET, Embassy of Norway in Tanzania

Cooperation partners

Sokoine University of Agriculture, IRA, UNCLAS in Tanzania, UMB in Norway

Jumanne Moshi Abdallah

Former Junior Researcher

Former Division/Group:
Economic and Technological Change

Office E-Mail:

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