
From gang members to tour guides: Community tourism development in Bogotá’s most violent neighbourhood Egipto
January 24, 2020. 

After 52 years of internal conflict and four years of peace negotiations, the Colombian government and the guerrilla group 'Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia' (FARC) signed a historic peace agreement in 2016. Since then, Colombia has become one of the ten fastest growing tourist markets in the world. The official peace has brought a new dynamic into the tourism sector.

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Afforestation in Drylands of West Africa Rehabilitation of degraded croplands
January 08, 2020. 

The ongoing cropland degradation in West Africa, particularly in its dryland regions, is increasingly threatening food security, environmental health, and rural and urban livelihoods. This situation is exacerbated by the growing impacts of climate change. Afforestation with multipurpose tree species has been recognized worldwide as a low-cost and viable option to reverse land degradation in the face of climate change.

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Right Livelihood College Bonn wird Jahrespartner 2020
January 07, 2020. 

Anlässlich seines zehnjährigen Bestehens wird das „Right Livelihood College" (RLC) im Jahr 2020 Jahrespartner der Bundesstadt Bonn. Das hat der Ausschuss für Internationales und Wissenschaft beschlossen. Der deutsche Sitz der internationalen Organisation ist am Zentrum für Entwicklungsforschung (ZEF) an der Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn untergebracht.

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