16TH Global Warming International Conference
September 23, 2004.
Call for Papers/Abstracts/Submissions
The 16TH Global Warming International Conference April 19-21, 2005, New York City, USA
Email address: gw16@globalwarming.net
The International Conference will provide many opportunities for academicians and professionals to interact with members inside and outside their Cross-disciplinary submissions with other fields are welcome.
& Environmental Sciences and Policy are Invited):
Ecology, Land Use and Development Advance Research on Material Cycles Methane Production and Emission from Rice fields Trace Gas Exchange between Ecosystems and the Atmosphere Fluxes of Nitrous Oxide and Other Nitrogen Trace Gases from Intensively Managed Landscapes Sustainable Agriculture Assessment of Current and Future Vulnerability of Food Production and Water Resources The Future of Food and Agriculture
The Global Warming International Conference encourages the following types of papers/abstracts/submissions for any of the listed areas:
Research Papers - Completed papers.
Abstracts - Abstracts of completed or proposed research.
Student Papers - Research by students.
Work-in-Progress Reports or Proposals for future projects.
Reports on issues related to teaching.
Format of Presentations:
-Paper sessions will have three to four papers presented in each 90 minute session, giving each presenter 20 30 minutes.
-Workshop presentations will be given a full 90 minute session.
-Panel sessions will provide an opportunity for three or more presenters to speak in a more open and conversational setting with conference attendees. Submissions for these 90 minute sessions should include the name, department, affiliation, and email address of each panelist in addition to a description of the presentation and the title page.
-Poster sessions will last 90 minutes and consist of a large number of Poster sessions allow attendees to speak with the presenters on a one-to-one basis.
All abstracts to be considered for Oral and Poster presentations must be received by the GWIPC by October 30, 2004. Abstract received earlier will have the advantage of early acceptance. A formal publication containing abstracts of oral presentations and poster presentations is published prior to the meeting and will be distributed to meeting participants at the time of registration.
Please prepare abstracts using the following format:
* Title: The title should be typed in bold is limited to 20 words
* Authors: List the names of authors, their affiliations, and countries
* Total words: less than 200
* Keywords: Use no more than 5 keywords
* Contact person: Type the name, address, telephone, Fax and e-mail
* Preferred presentation:
( ) prefer to present orally
( ) prefer to present by poster
* Email your abstract to abstracts@globalwarming.net or fax to
All abstracts must be received by GWXVI by
October 30, 2004:
GWXVI Secretariat,
PO Box 5275, Woodridge IL 60517 USA
E-mail: abstracts@globalwarming.net
24hr FAX 1-630-910-1561
Submit immediately. Abstract received earlier will have the advantage of
early acceptance.
P u b l i c a t i o n s
GWXVI papers will be automatically submitted to the World
Resource Review (WRR) for peer-reviewed publication.
Contact: Sinyan Shen gw16@globalwarming.net