November 10, 2006.
Das Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF) e.V. eine(n)
wissenschaftliche(n) Mitarbeiter(in)
1. Das Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF) e.V. sucht ab Januar
2007 im Rahmen von 2 Forschungsprojekten der Europäischen Union eine(n)
wissenschaftliche(n) Mitarbeiter(in) [Kennziffer 20/2006]
Bei dem ersten Projekt handelt es sich um das Integrierte Forschungsprojekt
SENSOR "Sustainability impact assessment: tools for environmental, social and
economic effects of multifuctional land use in European Regions" welches im Rahmen
eines Ergänzungsantrages um die Drittländer China, Brasilien, Argentinien und
Uruguay, erweitert wurde.
Bei dem zweiten Projekt handelt es sich um LUPIS "Land use policies and sustainable
development in developing countries", welches inhaltlich in engem Zusammenhang mit
SENSOR steht. Aufgabengebiet:
In beiden Projekten geht es um die Entwicklung von ex-ante
zur Abschätzung der Auswirkungen von Landnutzungs- und Umweltpolitiken. Die in
den EU Ländern bereits erarbeiteten Zusammenhänge und wissenschaftlichen
Ansätze sollen auf ihre Gültigkeit in Schwellen- und Entwicklungsländern überprüft
werden und gegebenenfalls erweitert, verändert oder angepasst werden. Es müssen
sowohl Koordinierungs- und administrative Tätigkeiten als auch wissenschaftliche
Arbeiten übernommen werden. Alle Aufgaben werden in enger Zusammenarbeit mit
Forschern aus den jeweiligen Ländern durchgeführt. Erarbeitete Ergebnisse müssen
auf wissenschaftlichen Veranstaltungen präsentiert werden und in schriftlichen
Berichten zusammengefasst werden.
Fachliche Anforderungen:
- Erfolgreich abgeschlossenes Hochschulstudium in einer umweltökonomischen oder
agrarwissenschaftlichen Fachrichtung
- Erfahrung in der internationalen Agrarforschung
_ Erfahrung in der verantwortlichen Mitarbeit in interdisziplinären Forschungsprojekten
- Erfahrungen in der Zusammenarbeit mit Organen der Europäischen Kommission und
internationalen Forschungseinrichtungen erwünscht
- Sehr gute Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift
- Sehr gute EDV Anwenderkenntnisse
Persönliche Anforderungen:
- Fähigkeit zur Analyse komplexer Sachverhalten und Fähigkeit zum strategischen
- Eignung zur team- und projektbezogene selbständigen Arbeitsweise
- Interkulturelle Kompetenz und gute kommunikative Fähigkeiten
- Bereitschaft zu häufigen Dienstreisen innerhalb und außerhalb Europas
- Auslandserfahrung erwünscht
Die Vergütung erfolgt nach Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L, bei einer Arbeitszeit von 50 % der
wöchentlichen Arbeitszeit. Die Stelle ist auf maximal 22 Monate befristet.
Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF) e.V.
Weitere Infos zum Projekt: Auskünfte erteilt Dr. Karen Tscherning
Tel.: 033432 82-441 (
Das ZALF strebt eine Erhöhung des Frauenanteils an und fordert daher qualifizierte
ausdrücklich zur Bewerbung auf. Schwerbehinderte Menschen werden bei gleicher
und Voraussetzung bevorzugt berücksichtigt.
Ihre Bewerbungen senden Sie bitte mit den üblichen Unterlagen bis zum 17.11.2006
Verwendung der Kennziffer "20/2006" an:
Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF) e.V.
Leiter Personalwesen, Herrn Bolick
Eberswalder Str. 84
15374 Müncheberg
Aleppo, Syria
The Organization
ICARDA is a non-profit international agricultural research center in a worldwide
consortium of 15 centers, supported by the Consultative Group on International
Agricultural Research (CGIAR). The CGIAR is co-sponsored by the World Bank, the
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the International Fund
for Agricultural Development (IFAD), and the United Nations Development Programme
(UNDP). With a staff of over 400 scientists and support personnel, representing more
than 45 nationalities, ICARDA addresses two key areas of agricultural research:
germplasm improvement (cereals and legumes) and natural resource management.
The Center has a global mandate for barley, lentil and faba bean improvement, and a
regional mandate for the improvement of wheat, chickpea and forage and pasture
legumes. A major emphasis is placed on the conservation and management of land
and water, and improved productivity of small ruminants in integrated farming systems
in dry areas. The Center's research and training programs are implemented in
partnership with national programs and, in most cases, with other CGIAR centers as
well as advanced research institutes in both developing and industrialized countries.
The Position
ICARDA is seeking a Director of Finance, who will be based at the Headquarters in
Aleppo, Syria, and reporting directly to the Director General. The Director of Finance
would be primarily required to plan, lead, integrate, and coordinate the financial
services of the Center. He/she would thus have overall responsibility for providing high
quality managerial and financial services to the research programs and units, the
Director General (DG), and the Board of Trustees (BOT) of the Center. As a member
of ICARDA's senior management team, along with the Director General, the Assistant
Directors General, and the Director of Corporate Services, the Director of Finance
would be actively involved in the strategic planning and overall guidance of the Center,
and in developing and implementing an innovative and productive resource
mobilization strategy. The Director of Finance will perform the following specific duties:
- Formulating, recommending and implementing sound financial control policy for
- Advising the Director General on all matters relating to the finances of the Center
- Liaising with ICARDA's independent auditors
- Ensuring that all financial accounts and records at the headquarters and outreach
locations meet management, donor and other stakeholder requirements
- Ensuring that all accounting operations are effectively and efficiently performed
- Maintaining effective financial control over the assets and liabilities, income and
disbursements of the Center
- Preparing and maintaining periodic financial, analytical, and interpretive reports for
the Management
- Providing statistical and analytical services to the programs, departments, and units,
and assisting them in the formulation of project budgeting
- Setting high standards of professional, technical, and business conduct for the
departmental staff
Qualifications and Experience
- At least a Bachelor's degree in Accounting (an MBA or similar postgraduate degree is
preferred) with additional professional accounting qualifications such as CPA or CA
- Minimum of 10 years international experience in finance, five of which must be at the
senior management level
- Formal training in management systems and procedures
- Strong interpersonal and communication skills
- Proficiency in the use of computerized information systems (knowledge of Oracle
would be an advantage)
- Fluency in spoken and written English (knowledge of Arabic and/or French would be
an advantage)
Terms of Appointment
The appointment will be for an initial period of three years, renewable thereafter
annually. The salary is paid in US dollars. Benefits include housing allowance, paid
home leave travel, a pension scheme, life and health insurance, vehicle for business
and personal use, and free enrollment for dependent children in the ICARDA-
administered international school (KG to Grade 12/IB).
Living in Syria
ICARDA's Headquarters is situated 30 km south of Aleppo, which is Syria's second
largest city. In addition to the internationally accredited school, ICARDA runs a Sports
and Social Club for the staff. Syria has many historical and archaeological sites, some
a short drive from Aleppo. There are four distinct seasons, and the terrain varies from
desert to mountains to fertile fruit orchards. Major international airlines fly into
Damascus and Aleppo.
Method of Application
Qualified candidates should send letter of application, full CV together with the
ICARDA employment application form (MS Word or PDF) and send it with a recent
photograph and any other relevant supporting documents (non-returnable) to:
Personnel Services
ICARDA, P.O. Box 5466, Aleppo, Syria
Telephone: (963-21) 2213477, 2225112, or 2225012
Fax: (963-21) 2213490, 2225105, or 5744622
1. If sending application by e-mail, please do not include graphics or other large file
2. Quote reference RE-INT-P/8079/06 on application (or in subject line if applying by e-
APPLICATION DEADLINE: Applications must be received by 20 December 2006, or
until the suitable candidates are identified.
ICARDA is an equal opportunity employer, and encourages applications from women.
Applications will be acknowledged, but only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
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