ZEF im Zentrum internal newsletter no. 72

September 10, 2004.  

ZEF IM ZENTRUM No. 72 August 2004


Infos, Dates and Tips for Staff and Guests



* Workshops and Conferences

* Staff and Guests

* New Publications

* Press Review




ZEF, together with the University of Hannover, and several other partners, some of them from the industry, has submitted a proposal entitled: "Integriertes, Transnationales Wasserressourcenmanagement (ITWRM) durch Technologie- und Wissentransfer für das Aralseebecken in der Modellregion Unterer Amu-Darya (Khorezm, Karakalpakstan und Tashauz) (AMUDARYA)" in the framework of the focal point of the BMBF: "Integriertes Wasserressourcenmanagement (IWRM) einschließlich des notwendigen Technologie- und Know How-Transfers".





Prof. Hans-Dieter Evers participated in a conference on "Regional Development and Poverty Alleviation", Indonesia, August 2-4 2004. This conference was organised by the Indonesian National Department of Development Planning (BAPPENAS), the World Bank, GTZ and DFID. The conference participants debated the impact of decentralisation measures on poverty programs and methods to measure poverty under local conditions. (contact H.-D. Evers, # 1970, hdevers@uni-bonn.de)


Dr. Abay Asfaw participated in a roundtabel workshop on pro-poor growth, organized by the Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität in Frankfurt am Main, July 13, 2004. The aim of the workshop was to bring together European and German academics, as well as German development institutions to discuss a forward-looking research agenda on pro-poor growth. Workshop materials are available (contact A. Asfaw, # 1859, a.asfaw@uni-bonn.de).


Dr. Veronika Fuest will participate in a conference on "Resources, their Dynamics and Sustainability - Capacity Development in Comparative and Integrative Approaches", organized by the Volkswagenstiftung, in Nairobi, September 13 - 17, 2004. She will give a talk on "Just a small cog in the machine? Roles of the social sciences in international research projects on natural resources". The conference is held within the framework of the initiative 'Wissen für Morgen - Kooperative Forschungsvorhaben im sub-saharischen Afrika', which aims contributing to the building up and sustainable strengthening of science in Sub-Saharan Africa. (contact V. Fuest, #1718, v.fuest@uni-bonn.de)


Dr. Rolf Sommer will present a paper on "Modeling Conservation Agriculture" at the 'Deutscher Tropentag' October 5-7, 2004 in Berlin.


Dr. Franz Gatzweiler presented a paper on "Biodiversity Conservation and Coffee Forests in Ethiopia" at the 10th biennial meeting of the International Association for the Study of Common Property, August 9-13, 2004, Oaxaca, Mexico.


Dr. Franz Gatzweiler attended the biennial meeting of the International Forestry Resources and Institutions Research Program, August 15-21, 2004, Oaxaca, Mexico.


Dr. Christopher Martius will spend three weeks at the project site in Urgench, in Uzbekistan, between August 24 and September 16, 2004, to supervise fieldwork activities of MSc and PhD students.


Dr. Conrad Schetter and Dr. Günther Manske gave a presentation of ZEF for students from the Geographical Department of the University of Heidelberg, July 27, 2004.


Dr. Hartmut Ihne, Bernd Kuzmits, Charlotte van der Schaaf, Ulf Terlinden and Dr. Conrad Schetter participated in the presentation of the Bertelsmann Transformation Index of Democracy and Market Economy at the Deutsche Welle, July 22, 2004.


Charlotte van der Schaaf, ZEFa PhD student, will take over the assistant position of Heike Grüber at the Public Relations office from September 13, 2004 onwards. She will assist Alma van der Veen in ZEF's public relations activities and will be responsible for the ZEF im Zentrum internal newsletter. (contact at # 6124, charlottevander.schaaf@uni-bonn.de)




On August 31, 2004, a group of trainees from BMZ visited ZEF to learn about ZEF, its research and the International Doctoral Studies Program.


Tsegaye Yilma, ZEFb PhD student will participate in two conferences:

1) Deutscher Tropentag, October 5-7, 2004, Berlin. The title of his presentation "Emancipating African Women through Agricultural Technologies: the case of irrigation technology in Northern Ghana".

2) International Conference "African Development and Poverty Reduction: The Macro-Micro Linkage, October 13-15, Cape Town, South Africa. The title of his presentation: "Prospects and Challenges of Agricultural Technology-Market Linkage under Liberalisation in Ghana: Evidence from a micro-data. The participation of this conference is sponsored among others by GTZ and Friedrich Ebert Stiftung.


Borbala Balint visited IFPRI, Washington D.C., between July 26 - August 4, 2004, where she discussed the problems and questions related to her PhD research with Dr. Maximo Torero, Dr. Nicholas Minot, Dr. Elelni Z. Gabre-Madhin and Dr. Shyamal Chowdury.


Charlotte van der Schaaf, ZEFa PhD student for the GLOWA Volta project, will present a paper on "Decentralised Irrigation Management and the Role of the State in Eastern Burkina Faso", at the 'Deutscher Tropentag' October 5-7, 2004, in Berlin.


Igor Kustov, ZEFa PhD student, participated in three events:

1) On August 2, 2004, he presented his PhD project on "Institutions of Civil Society: Cross-National Studies (Russia and Kyrgyzstan)" and field research results at the United Nations House in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.

2) July 29-30, 2004, he participated in an International Conference on "Acces to Information: Problems and Perspectives of Development" in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. The conference was organised by Transparency International, Soros Foundation Kyrgyzstan, and the Secretariat of the National Council on Good Governance.

3) May 5-14, 2004, he participated in a study trip, "Vom Armenhaus zum EU-Netto-Zahler", to Ireland. This trip was organized and sponsored by the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung.




Apolinário F.B.E. and C. Martius (2004): Ecological role of termites (Insecta, Isoptera) in tree trunks in central Amazonian rain forests. In: Forest Ecology and Management 194 (1-3): 23-28.


Asfaw, A., K. Frohberg, K.S. James, and J. Jütting (2004): Modeling the Impact of Fiscal Decentralisation on Health Outcomes: Empirical evidence from India. ZEF Discussion Papers on Development Policy 87, 29 pp.


Asfaw, A. and J. von Braun (2004): Can Community Health Insurance Schemes shield the Poor against the Downside Health Effects of Economic Reforms? The case of rural Ethiopia. in: Health Policy 70 (1): 97-108.


Brunner, A.C., S.J. Park, G.R. Rücker, R. Dikau and P.L.G. Vlek (2004): Catemary Soil Development influencing Erosion Susceptibility along a Hillslope in Uganda. Catena 58: 1-22.


Kustov, I. (2004): Reinforcement of Cultural Aspects of Outreach Settlements through University Volunteer Service (UVS) in Nicaragua. Project report UN Volunteers 'Best practices in urban volunteerism': www.caringcities.org


Martius, C., J. Lamers, P. Wehrheim, A. Schoeller-Schletter, R. Eshchanov, A. Tupitsa, A. Khamzina, A. Akramkhanov and P.L.G. Vlek (2004): Developing Sustainable Land and Water Management for the Aral Sea Basin through an interdisciplinary Approach. In: V. Seng, E. Craswell, S. Fukai, K. Fischer (eds.): Water in Agriculture. Proceedings of a CARDI International Conference 'Research on Water in Agricultural Production in Asia for the 21st Century', Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 25-28 November 2003. ACIAR Proceedings 116: 45-60.


Micevska, M. and A.K. Hazra (2004): The Problem of Court Congestion: Evidence from Indian Lower Courts. ZEF Discussion papers on Development Policy 88, 31pp.


Schetter, C. (2004): Die Realität der Gewaltökonomie in Afghanistan und die Konsequenzen für Genderverhältnisse. In: Jörg Caliess (ed.): Geschlechterverhältnisse in der Überwindung von Gewaltkonflikten. Loccum (Loccumer Protokolle 27/03): 21-31.




Harvard Asia Quarterly, Winter 2003. Interview with Prof. Evers: 'Knowledge Society and the Modernization of Southeast Asia'.


The Edge Singapore, N. 51, May 12. Interview with Prof. Evers: 'Knowledge Leverage: Companies and governments must master knowledge management in order to stay ahead'.


Parlament, N. 35/36, 23/30 August 2004. 'Es ist ein Geheimtipp für die Entwicklungsforschung: Ein noch kleines Institut in Bonn mit großer Wirkung'.


Parlament, N. 35/36, 23/30 August 2004. Interview with Prof. Vlek: 'Kritischer Begleiter von Entwicklungsprozessen: Im Gespräch: Paul Vlek'.


Süddeutsche Zeitung, August 24, 2004. ('Aussenansicht', p. 2) by Conrad Schetter 'Wahlen in Afghanistan sind nicht frei'.




The next newsletter will be published in September 2004. Please keep in mind the deadline for contributions: September 19, 2004.

For comments please contact in future Charlotte van der Schaaf instead of Heike Grüber (# -6124, charlottevander.schaaf@uni-bonn.de)


Press and Public Relations

Center for Development Research (ZEF)

University of Bonn

Walter-Flex-Strasse 3

53113 BONN

phone: # 49 0228 / 73 6124

fax: # 49 0228 / 73 5097




Charlotte van der Schaaf


Press and Public Relations

Center for Development Research (ZEF)

University of Bonn

Walter-Flex-Strasse 3

53113 BONN


phone: # 49 0228 / 73 6124

fax: # 49 0228 / 73 5097




Charlotte van der Schaaf

Dr. Charlotte van der Schaaf


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