Partners of MARGIP


BRAC is a development organisation dedicated to alleviating poverty by empowering the poor to bring about change in their own lives. Founded in Bangladesh in 1972 they established themselves as a pioneer in recognising and tackling the many different realities of poverty (taken from

Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies (BIDS)

The Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies (BIDS) is an autonomous public multi-disciplinary organization which conducts policy oriented research on development issues facing Bangladesh and other developing countries (taken from

Ethiopian Economic Association (EEA)

Ethiopian Economic Association (EEA) is a non-profit making, non-political and non-religious professional Association engaged in Economic research, training, organization of International and National conferences and round table discussions on the Ethiopian economy (taken from

Environment and Coffee Forest Forum (ECFF)

ECFF focuses on developing strategies for sustainable use and conservation of the environment in general, and the coffee forests in particular, through thematic research on conservation planning, education and pilot implementation of the research findings (taken from

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