Welcome to the Right Livelihood College Campus Bonn!

Linking the Right Livelihood Award ("Alternative Nobel Prize") Laureates with applied and interdisciplinary research and education

The Right Livelihood College (RLC) is a global education and research initiative of universities and the Right Livelihood Award Foundation, also known as the "Alternative Nobel Prize". The RLC promotes and implements transdisciplinary education and research on social justice, poverty and inequality reduction, and environmental sustainability together with laureates of the “Alternative Nobel Prize”.

Interview with Dr. David Amudavi

Interview with Dr. David Amudavi on his work as the Director of Biovision Africa Trust and Coordinator of the Ecological Organic Agriculture Initiative for Africa and the cooperation with the Right Livelihood College Bonn at ZEF.

Interview with Right Livelihood Laureate Ritwick Dutta

Interview with Right Livelihood Laureate Ritwick Dutta of the Legal Initiative for Forest and Environment (LIFE), India.

Who we are


Dr. Till Stellmacher (RLC Bonn Coordinator)
Mail: t.stellmacher[at]uni-bonn.de
Tel: 0049-(0)-228-73 4907

PD Dr. Eva Youkhana (Member of the RLC International Advisory Council, IAC)
Mail: eva.youkhana[at]uni-bonn.de
Tel: 0049-(0)-228-73 4909

Right Livelihood College
RLC Campus Bonn
Genscherallee 3
53113 Bonn, Germany


Further Links

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