Welcome to the DAAD Centers of African Excellence Online Research Fair

28-30 September 2021 - Past and Future Research for Inclusive and Sustainable Development at the DAAD Centers of African Excellence


During the last couple of Network Meetings of the DAAD Centers of African Excellence (CoAEs) many of us expressed the interest to have a get-together of the various centers that provides room for scientific presentations and exchanges. This Online Research Fair of the DAAD CoAEs is our platform to fulfil this long-expressed objective: to learn more about outstanding research carried out at the different CoAEs, be it conducted by students, senior scientists or by alumni.

In the different sessions of this event, you will be able to join and discuss presentations of relevant scientific projects and results, as well of ongoing research activities and concrete ideas for collaborative research projects. We also encourage you to have a look at our poster session, so that you can decide beforehand which poster presentation you would like to attend.

With this research fair, we expect to get an overview of the strengths of the research carried out at the CoAEs and to learn about the future research interests and possibilities of cooperation among CoAEs. This interest is not limited –but also relates– to upcoming initiatives of the “African-German Network for Research, Innovation and Knowledge Transfer”, within the “Round Table Africa” initiative of the German Government.

With an overview of the strengths of the research carried out at the CoAEs and a better understanding of their future research interests, we hope to finish this Online Research Fair holding more concrete ideas about how to explore our synergies and enhance our cooperation.

The DAAD Centers of African Excellence

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) currently sponsors twelve Centers of African Excellence aimed at establishing and expanding efficient and sustainable educational structures at African universities.You can learn more about them at the DIGI-FACE platform.

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