Supporting Pathways to Sustainable Land Management in Africa

INTERFACES is an accompanying project that supports four BMBF-funded regional research and development (R&D) projects in their endeavor to drive change for sustainable land management in Sub-Saharan Africa. At the heart of INTERFACES lies the recognition that to achieve changes towards sustainable land management, a fundamental reorganization across technological, economic political, institutional and social factors is needed, which also includes questioning existing paradigms, goals and values. For changes to be sustainable, they must be gender-responsive and socially inclusive, which means that implementation pathways for sustainable land management must be based on thorough gender and power analyses and lead to outcomes that benefit both women and men of different ethnicities, ages, classes, and income levels.

Therefore, INTERFACES' support activities will be impact-driven and build on networking to strengthen the integration, coherence and reach of the regional projects with regard to sustainable land management. The outputs from INTERFACES are expected to include scientific and non-scientific publications, the promotion of transdisciplinary research and social learning approaches in order to produce research results that are relevant to practice, the strengthening of already existing networkson land management issues and linking them up with different African networks to further contribute to the implementation of the R&D results in the area of land management. Finally, INTERFACES will anchor implementation-oriented research in education and training.

New Video

New video by the German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS):

Dr. Tina Beuchelt presents ZEF-led project INTERFACES - Supporting pathways to sustainable land management in Africa.

Dr. Beuchelt explains that INTERFACES supports four regional projects: COINS, DeClaRe, InfoRange and Minodu. These projects share the common goal of enhancing sustainable land management in Africa through the utilization of diverse technologies and various land management practices. The aim of the INTERFACES project is to synergize the endeavors of these projects, enhancing the outreach, applicability and implementation of their research findings.

Our regional projects

Co-developing innovations
for sustainable land
Management in West
Africal smallholder farming

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Increasing efficiency in
rangeland-based livestock
value chains by co-designed
digital technologies and
machine learning approaches

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Decision support for
Strengthening land
resilience in the face of
global challenges

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Fostering local sustainable
development through
technology and research

Fostering local sustainable
development through
technology and research
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Work areas

INTERFACES spans all countries in Sub-Saharan Africa with a focus on West Africa. It has four work areas that together strengthen the integration, coherence and reach of the regional projects with regard to sustainable land management.

  1. Knowledge synthesis through dialogues about future visions and theories of change for sustainable land management - together with the regional projects and actors from science, policy and practice
  2. Support of innovation and implementation processes by identifying change strategies to bridge knowledge behaviour gaps
  3. Communication, networking and knowledge management and support for gender mainstreaming across all regional projects
  4. Education and capacity building, e.g. through the integration of teaching content into African and German graduate programs

The methods and results of the regional projects find their way into the training of project partners and students with regard to the training of future "change agents".

Engage with us on Dgroups

If you are interested in discussing current research topics, consider joining our Dgroup. Dgroups are a platform hosted by FARA that merges the regional projects’ findings with other processes and stakeholders involved in sustainable land management in Sub-Sahara Africa.

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