1. Supporting the science communication and networking activities with a focus on German and international actors
  2. Organizing workshops and side-events at major international conferences
  3. Supporting the implementation processes of specific interventions
  1. Science communication in Africa
  2. Supporting networking activities through identification of relevant stakeholders, establishing relevant contacts, disseminating information, etc.
  3. Establishing contacts with the private sector and commercial partners
  1. Advice and training for media communication,  monitoring and evaluation of effects
  2. Capacity development and education –  linking up with African universities
  3. Analysis of Germany’s contribution to sustainable land management and research on behaviour change with a focus on incentive systems

Collaboration on gender and gender responsive research as well as gender mainstreaming in implementation processes

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  1. Supporting networking activities, e.g. by identification of African and international stakeholders
  2. Spreading research results and approaches, and provision of research infrastructure
  3. Actively engaging in science communication, results dissemination and policy decision support
  1. Supporting research and teaching in the field of crop production and resource conservation
  2. Providing decision-makers with actionable information considering the complexity of environment
  3. Characterization of risks and uncertainties
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