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Stakeholder Engagement Workshop in Tamale

November 15, 2023. INTERFACES together with the West African Science Center for Climate Change and Adapted Land Use (WASCAL), COINS and DecLaRe organized the maiden stakeholder engagement workshop in Tamale in Northern Ghana

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Dr. Baumüller at INTERFACES Colloquium series

November 2, 2023. Dr. Heike Baumüller, Senior Researcher at ZEF, gave a presentation entitled “Digitalization in Agriculture: Potentials and Pitfalls”.

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Dr. Anaafo at INTERFACES Colloquium series

October 10, 2023. The second lecture in the INTERFACES colloquium series on "Sustainable land management in sub‐Saharan Africa: Improving livelihoods through local research" was given on 5 October 2023 by Dr. David Anaafo from WASCAL’s Competence Center in Burkina Faso. The lecture entitled: "Will customary land rights hold in Africa" was listened to by 14 participants, the majority from Ghana themselves.

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INTERFACES at Tropentag 2023 in Berlin

September 28, 2023. INTERFACES and the four regional projects, COINS, DecLaRe, InfoRange and Minodu came together at the Tropentag Conference from 20 to 22 September in Berlin. Highlight was the pre-conference workshop organised by INTERFACES to discuss under which conditions research is most successful in providing innovations in sustainable land use in Sub-Sahara Africa.

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Professor Hornidge at INTERFACES colloquium series

September 14, 2023. On Thursday, 7 September, INTERFACES started the colloquium series on Sustainable land management  in sub‐Saharan Africa: Improving livelihoods through local research. The inaugural presentation was given by Prof. Anna-Katharina Hornidge, Director of IDOS, Bonn, Germany. 

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INTERFACES Colloquium Series

August 29, 2023. The INTERFACES Colloquium series 2023/24 will start on Thursday, 7 September 2023 with its inaugural session. Prof. Anna-Katharina Hornidge (German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)/INTERFACES) will speak about “Research for the global common Good. Science as a World-making Activity” The colloquium starts at 4pm CEST via Zoom:

Minodu: Fostering Local Sustainable Development through Technology and Research launched at the Kara University, Togo

July 26, 2023. Minodu was launched in Kara with the aim of fostering local sustainable development through the innovative use of community-based co-design, technology and research. The project's launching ceremony was a remarkable success, attracting more than 100 participants, including enthusiastic students eager to learn and contribute.

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Sustainable land management in Sub-Saharan Africa: Improving livelihood through local research

August 03, 2023. New video by the German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS): Dr. Tina Beuchelt presents ZEF-led project INTERFACES - Supporting pathways to sustainable land management in Africa.
Dr. Beuchelt explains that INTERFACES supports four regional projects: COINS, DeClaRe, InfoRange and Minodu. These projects share the common goal of enhancing sustainable land management in Africa through the utilization of diverse technologies and various land management practices. The aim of the INTERFACES project is to synergize the endeavors of these projects, enhancing the outreach, applicability and implementation of their research findings.

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Training on gender in research and implementation processes

July 30, 2023. On Tuesday 25 July, the first training organized by INTERFACES for junior and senior researchers of the regional projects started. Dr. Constance Akurugu and Dr. Tina Beuchelt welcomed 15 participants from COINS, DecLaRe, InfoRange, INTERFACES and Minodu to the training on “Gender in research and implementation processes". The first session set off by covering a general introduction to gender and gender issues and gender issues in sustainable agriculture/land management in a format of lectures and interactive group discussions.

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8th Africa Agribusiness and Science Week

July 15, 2023. Together with INTERFACES project partners IDOS and FARA, Tina Beuchelt (ZEF) organized a well-visited side event „From agricultural innovations to implementation: pathways to impact“ at the 8th Africa Agribusiness and Science Week. The conference took place 5th- 8th June 2023 in Durban, South Africa.

The side-event discussed how implementation research can be a useful tool to improve the adoption of agricultural innovations for sustainable land use.

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INTERFACES' contribution to combating desertification

June 22, 2023. June 17 has been declared the World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought by the United Nations (UN). On a global scale land degradation is becoming an increasingly significant challenge to food security.

In many African countries, this is not only an environmental problem, but also a structural one, since the negative effects of soil degradation affect unequally high the women actively engaged in agriculture.

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Sustainable Land Management in sub-Saharan Africa: Major research project sets off

June 02, 2023. Four regional transdisciplinary research projects on sustainable land management in sub-Saharan Africa and the accompanying project INTERFACES met for their first Status Seminar in Bonn on April 26-28, 2023. The projects are funded by the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) under their FONA platform on research for sustainability.

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