Key Activities
Impact-driven Support Activities
- Development of future visions and impact models for sustainable land management ('theories of change') & alignment of research
- Shared learning through dialogues and the interfaces: science-policy-practice
- Knowledge management, science communication and networking with stakeholders in Africa and international organizations
- "Gender mainstreaming" - aligning research and implementation in a gender-sensitive way
- Training of change agents as multipliers for sustainable land management and implementaion research including communication strategies & media competence
Implementation research
- Intervention-specific impact pathways and impact predictions through quantitative models
- "Follow-the-innovation" from research to implementation (participatory observation of activities, shared learning, complementary activities)
- Understanding and developing of sociocultural appropriate and gender-sensitive strategies to bridge "knowledge-behavior gaps“ and achieve behavioral change: incentive systems for adoption, gender roles, norms, power dynamics in land management
Capacity building
- Training of change agents
- Curricula development
- Workshops, lecture and seminar series