Policy Briefs

Research Brief  November / 2020

The future of One Health research - Lessons learned

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Policy Brief 1 / 2020

Urban transformation and the need for One Health. Recommendations for Ruhr Metropolis
by Anna Brückner, Juliana Minetto Gellert Paris, Dennis Schmiege, Philipp Swoboda

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Policy Brief 2 / 2020

Risks and sustainable solutions to vector and water-borne disease. Recommendations for the Greater Accra Metropolitan Area
by Joshua Ntajal, Ana Maria Perez Arredondo, Merveille Koissi Savi

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Policy Brief 3 / 2020

Urban transformation and health: Umbrella framework for Ghana
by Joshua Ntajal, Ana Maria Perez Arredondo, Merveille Koissi Savi

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Policy Brief 4 / 2020

The potential of "One Health policy making". Recommendations for Ahmedabad Metropolis
by Sandul Yasobant, Krupali Patel, Anna Brückner

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Policy Brief 5 / 2020

Urban green in São Paulo city. Promoting health and wellbeing
by Jéssica Felappi, Silvia Berenice Fischer, William Ricardo Isidorio, Juliana M.G. Paris

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