
2. TIGA Meeting, April 18-20, 2013, Addis Ababa

Meeting organized by Ethiopian Economic Policy Research Institutes at the Ethiopian Economic Association (EEA), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

After a 1st meeting of the project members at ZEF (Sept 13-14, 2012) project members have selected study locations and started field research activities. Marginality hotspots have been identified and case study areas have been located in each country.

The purpose of the workshop was to: 1) Discuss the state of research activities and approaches followed by partners of the TIGA project, and present progress made to date, 2) Present and discuss different methods chosen for study site selection and segmentation and 3) Give feedback to the project members on the meeting at the Foundation April 4-5 and agree on next research activities.

1. TIGA Meeting, September 13-14, 2012, Bonn

Meeting organized at Center for Development Research (ZEF), University of Bonn, Germany

The overall purpose of the project is to identify innovations that foster agricultural productivity and strategies to reach all strata of the poor among rural smallholders. The (ex‐ante) assessment aims at providing information on

1) where the underperforming agricultural areas and unused potentials of the rural poor are,

2) what the barriers to innovation and adaptive change are and

3) which innovations are suitable for which segment of the rural poor.

For this purpose, the project partners from Bangladesh, India, Ethiopia and Ghana and the distinguished Project advisors gathered at the campus of ZEF and presented the state of the art in agricultural technology and productivity in their countries and discussed different methodological approaches to be taken for assessing (ex‐ante) technology innovations for inclusive growth in agriculture.


We thank our project partners and all participants of the workshops for their valuable contributions and fruitful discussions at the meetings.

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