Impressions of TIGA field work
Survey in Ofa woreda, SNNP
Asking people about their purchases and their needs.
Survey respondents in a resettlement kebele in North Ari woreda, SNNP
A family who benefitted from resettlement.
Survey under difficult circumstances.
An enumerator surveying people in Mekdela woreda, Amhara.
Meeting people from local government
Visiting a test field with two members of the local government administration and an assistant to see benefits of improved seed and fertilizer use compared to local farmer-saved seed.
The TIGA Bangladesh study team visiting the study areas
A consultation meeting with public sector extension workers/officers at Bhandaria(representing coastal region) Sub-district (Upazila) Agricultural Office under the Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE).
Ms. Josefa Yesmin conducting a focus group discussion
BRAC RED Qualitative Researcher (Ms. Josefa Yesmin) is conducting a focus group discussion (FGD) with the ultra poor group of small holders at Chotodudpatilavillage under Damurhuda sub-district (Drought prone and food insecured zone).
The TIGA Bangladesh Qualitative Research Team
A weeklong intensive training was given to the qualitative enumerators (a team of recent graduates in Anthropology and Agriculture) at Research and Evaluation Division (RED), BRAC, Dhaka at early March 2013. Different PRA tools, say, social and resource mapping, participatory wealth ranking, focus group discussion, in-depth interview and institutional venn diagram were used for the qualitative survey.
Small scale fish trader in the open market.
The small scale farmers normally sell their fish in the nearby market by themselves or to the small scale fish traders and then fish traders sell their fish in the village open market to the consumers. In the picture it shows the fish traders do grading on size and price determined through bargaining with the ultimate consumers in the market.
Accounting of the farmer field school activities.
The indigenous community form famer field school through the help of world fish center where they learn each other as well as by the technical staff about the new technology and its proper application.
A typical integrated rice-fish farming system.
In the integrated rice–fish farming systems where rice, fish and vegetables as well as trees are producing in the boarder of the land.
Cage culture (Technology for fish culture).
This is very small and affordable technology to produced fish even without own pond. The small or landless farmers can setup cage to the neighbor farmers pond and in this way both socially and economically benefited.
A typical integrated rice-fish farming system.
Integrated rice-fish farming system where rice, fish and seedlings produced in integrated way in the same land that substantially increases the intensity of land as well as cropping intensity in sustainable way.