Overview of the marginality research program

Marginality Reduction for Enhanced Investments for and with the Poorest (MARGIP)

Although there has been progress in reducing the number of poor at the global level, the poorest have been overlooked and left behind. The reasons for extreme poverty can be found in them being marginalized: they do not have a voice, are decoupled from the market economy and remain out of reach of conventional poverty reduction and development programs. This situation highlights the need to address marginality as a root cause of extreme poverty.

We define marginality as an involuntary position and condition of an individual or group at the edge of social, economic, and ecological systems, preventing the access to resources, assets, services, restraining freedom of choice, preventing the development of capabilities, and causing extreme poverty. The concept of marginality is interdisciplinary and systemic.


The marginalized poor are the focus of the MARGIP project. The purpose of the research program is to analyze the nature and drivers of marginality and reveal the hidden potentials of the marginalized poor in order to match them with suitable investment and development opportunities.


Addressing marginality – needs for innovative research initiatives

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