Climate Change

Target 13.1 SDG13 (Climate Action) which aims to strengthen the resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related hazards and natural disasters is closely related to the work of Lanusyncon’s research project, particularly in examining the cause of land-use conflict, the loss of biodiversity, and land degradation. A special IPCCC report on land and climate change stated that “land degradation and climate change act as threat multipliers for already precarious livelihoods (very high confidence), leaving them highly sensitive to extreme climatic events, with consequences such as poverty and food insecurity (high confidence) and, in some cases, migration, conflict and loss of cultural heritage (low confidence)”. Lanusyncon's objective to provide coherence in land-use policy is indeed supporting Target 13.2 SDG13 to integrate climate change measures into national policies, strategies, and planning.
Research related to climate change:
- Measuring bioeconomy's contributions to the Sustainable Development Goals achievement in Brazil by Fernanda Martinelli
- Uncertainties In The Effectiveness of Biological Control of Stem Borers Under Different Climate Change Scenarios In Eastern Africa by Ines Jendritzki