Uyen Tran

Research Title:
Mapping the suitability of bio-economic innovations in Vietnam’s agricultural sector
Vietnam has global comparative advantages in agriculture as the country is a leading supplier of agricultural products such as rice, coffee, wood, and aquaculture. The agriculture – forestry – fishing sector plays a crucial role in Vietnam’s economy, accounting for around 15% of the national GDP and 38% of total employed population in 2018. In the meanwhile, farmers in Vietnam have been struggling with different plant and animal diseases, environmental hazards, and socio-economic pressures. To be responsive to future challenges and opportunities for Vietnam’s agriculture, a strategic development plan and a strong policy direction need to be ensured. Bioeconomy is expected to be the main driver of smart growth, fossil-fuel independence, energy and resource consumption reduction, and sustainable development. The bioeconomy approach is also counted on by other countries in Southeast Asia such as Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand to promote inclusive rural development and equitable sharing of resources.
The focus of the study is laid on the occurrences of bioeconomic innovations in the IPC A01 class “Agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, hunting, trapping, fishing” in Vietnam between 2000-2021. With the Maxent modelling approach, the study uses both the geographic distribution of the agricultural innovations across 63 provinces of Vietnam and different socioeconomic conditions to answer the following questions:
What is the status-quo of the innovation landscape in Vietnam’s agricultural sector?
What is the suitability of agricultural bioeconomic innovations across Vietnam?
What are the determinants of agricultural bioeconomic innovations in Vietnam?
The study is funded by The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) as scholarship for the Master program.