Lanusyncon Boards Team

Dr. David Amudavi (Agricultural Scientist)
Dr. Armudavi is the Managing Director of the Biovision Africa Trust (BvAT), a not-for-profit organization established in Kenya in 2009. Biodivison Africa Trust is a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) that is active East Africa and conducts both research and training on sustainable agriculture, with a focus on both agricultural practice and appropriate policy measures to promote it. Dr David Amudavi will support the implementation of the fieldwork in LANUSYNCON and networking activities in Kenya and beyond

Charles Meshack (Forest Scientist)
Mr Meshack is the Managing Director of the Tanzania Forest Conservation Group (TFCG). TFCG is the largest Tanzanian NGO and is involved in education and research on sustainable development and protected area management. In LANUSYNCON, Mr Meshack plays an important role for the implementation of the fieldwork and the establishment of contacts with local stakeholders in Tanzania. 

Prof. Dr. Aletta Bonn (Mentor, Ecologist)
As a Head of Department of the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv), Prof. Bonn has expertise in the field of research on socio-ecological system and Science Policy Interfaces (SPIs). Her research mainly focusses on biodiversity and ecosystem services, global change and knowledge management, as well as transdisciplinary and interdisciplinary research. In LANUSYNCON, Prof. Bonn is acting as a mentor to Lisa Biber-Freudenberger and co-supervisor to the doctoral student Hannah Kamau (WP 2b).

Professor Dr. Jan Börner (Economist)
Professor Börner is an economist from the Institute for Food and Resource Economics (ILR) at the University of Bonn conducting research on sustainable land use and bio-economy. 

Professor Dr. Pierre Ibisch (Ecologist)
Professor Dr. Pierre Ibisch from the Centre for Econics and Ecosystem Management at the University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde (HNEE) is an expert in nature conservation, global environmental change and ecosystem-based sustainable development. In his recent research, he has focused on the relevance of road-free spaces for biodiversity conservation. In LANUSYNCON, he is co-supervisor of the doctoral student Philipo Jacob (WP2c).

Professor Dr. Thomas Dietz (Political Scientist)
Thomas Dietz is Professor of International Relations at the Institute of Political Science at the University of Münster (IFPOL) and specialises in sustainable development, global governance and transnational law. IN LANUSYNCON, he supervises together with Lisa Biber-Freudenberger the doctoral student Sara Velander (WP3).

Dr. Claire Brown (Environmental Legal Specialist)
Dr. Claire Brown is an Environnmental Legal Specialist at the UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre (WCMC). As Head of the Technical Support Unit for Policy Support Instruments of IPBES, she has profound practical experience in working with Science-Policy-Interfaces. She supports LANUSNCON as a contact point for other SPIs and help to distribute research results in an international context.

Dr. Cory Whitney 
Dr. Cory Whitney is a scientist at the University of Bonn’s Horticulture Institute and Center for Development Research (ZEF). He applies and teaches holistic and transdisciplinary approaches to support risky decision making under uncertainty, so that sustainable agricultural development can live up to its potential in addressing many simultaneous existential problems, including climate change and loss of biodiversity, and support poor small-holder farmers. He offers tutorship and training for the application of Decision Analysis research methods and approaches.

Dr. Aline Mosnier
Aline Mosnier is the Scientific Director for the FABLE (Food, Agriculture, Biodiversity, Land-use, and Energy) Pathways Consortium. She developed the FABLE Calculator and supports interdisciplinary teams of researchers in 20 countries to develop quantitative globally-consistent national pathways towards sustainable land use and food systems by 2050. Aline is further co-directing related work under the broader SDSN Food/Land Team operating from the SDSN Paris Office. Prior to joining SDSN, Aline worked at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) where she contributed to the development of the global partial equilibrium model GLOBIOM, more particularly on international trade, biofuel policies, climate change, deforestation and forest degradation in the tropics. She trained researchers from local research institutes, and co-developed with them regional versions of GLOBIOM e.g. in the Congo Basin, Brazil and Indonesia. Aline holds a PhD in Agricultural and Environment Economics from the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences of Vienna (BOKU) and a Masters in Development Economics from CERDI, Clermont-Ferrand. 

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