Paula Oddone Souza

Research Title: How stakeholder perspectives of well-being and ecosystem services reflect on the SDG attainment? The case of Corumbataí Geopark Project in São Paulo, Brazil


Sustainable environment management combined with social and economic development requires effective policymaking. One’s worldviews guide their thoughts and behaviors. Thus, assessing how decision makers understand their socio-ecological system is crucial for sustainable development. It is acknowledged among scholars that non-scientific actors are required for a successful transition towards sustainability. The UNESCO Global Geoparks Network promotes sustainable development of relevant international territoriesfor geodiversityconservation, within a bottom-up process. In this study, I will develop a conceptual model to analyze the Corumbatai Geopark Project in Brazil (i) whether the perceived well-being and its connection to ecosystem services (ES) and geoservices (GS) varies among decision-makers and (ii) if the actors' perceptions of their well-being and the links with ES and GS reveal possibilities or obstacles for reaching the SDGs. The area is home to important geosites, Atlantic forest and Cerrado fragments, and the Guarani Aquifer System recharge area. Since this aquifer is located in Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay, the Corumbataí basin is of high strategic importance for the local and regional supply of ecosystem service. The outcomes of the project intends to contribute to social-ecological transition to sustainability.

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