Working packages

The research project is divided into three work packages (WPs). In WP1, we will assess the effects of political decisions on different SDGs based on a dynamic Bayesian network and decision analysis. For this purpose, expert knowledge, existing data sets, and insights from case studies will be combined to assess the impact pathways of policy options on local land use. Case studies in Sub-saharan and East Africa, particularly in Kenya and Tanzania (WP2), will provide insights and data for WP1 and WP3 at the local level. Development corridors run through both countries which are intended to contribute to the economic development of rural regions and at the same time are linked to major infrastructure development, changing societies and land use. These development corridors are politically and economically motivated, and are supported and promoted by specific political measures. In WP3, we will investigate the role of national and international SPIs in these policy decisions, the extent to which land use conflicts and synergies are considered in the work of SPIs, and which factors promote coherent land use policies. These findings will be integrated in WP1 in order to support decision makers and coherent land use policies.

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