Crossroads Asia Fellowships

Crossroads Asia annually funds a select number of visiting fellows, who in large part come from or strongly identify with the regions studied by the competence network. Fellows are hosted by one of Crossroads Asia's network institutions and contribute their local and disciplinary perspectives to the work of the network.

Below you can find more information on future, current and past Fellows.


Current and future Visiting Fellows



Past Visiting Fellows

  • Judd Kinzley(05-07/2016, LMU): "Natural Resource Production, Capital, and Defining the Limits of State Power in Xinjiang"
  • Aziz Ali Dad(10-12/2015, ZMO): "The marking of boundaries and markers of identities, based on a case study of Gilgit-Baltistan"
  • Aksana Ismailbekova (10-12/2015, IOA and ZEF Bonn): "Boundary making through inter-ethnic marriages in Osh, Kyrgyzstan"
  • Olaf Günther (09-11/2015, HU Berlin): "The entangled perspective of areas as actors and actors in areas, with particular emphasis on remoteness"
  • Stephen A. Adaawen (09-12/2015, ZMT Bremen): "The applicability of the Crossroads Perspective to migration flows in Ghana"
  • Wali Mohammad Kandiwal (08-10/2015, BICC): "Formation of social networks as a coping mechanism for displaced populations in informal settlements in Afghanistan´s eastern city of Jalalabad"

  • Mayinu Shanatibieke (07-09/2015, FU Berlin): "Chinese Kazakhs`emigration to Kazakhstan and the role of cultural identity in this emigration process from a modernization perspective"

  • Nida Kirmani (08-11/2014, ZMO): "Narrating and Negotiating Urban Conflict: A Study of Lyari, Karachi"
  • Andrea Chiovenda (05-08/2014, HU Berlin): "Pashtun informal justice system and the challenge of 35 years of violent conflict."
  • Yasir Hussain (05-09/2014, ZELF):"Using electronic media to enhance the quality of e-governance in Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan."
  • Alessandro Rippa (04-07/2014, LMU München): "Mobility, Diaspora, and Trade: The Uyghur Community of Pakistan."
  • Assadullah Ahmadi (03-06/2014, HU Berlin): "Land and Conflict: Land‐grabbing and Land‐ownership in Kabul today."
  • Kamol Abdullaev (03-05/2014, HU Berlin): "Conflict and Migration in 20th Century Central Asia."
  • Arne Harms (02-05/2014, LMU): 1) "Nodal fringes: unstable places and unsettled biographies in Bengal and beyond"; 2) "Off the grid: environmental displacement and fragile citizenship"
  • Gulnara Kuzibaeva (11/2013-01/2014, HU Berlin): "Migration for Sex Work: The Case of Uzbekistan."
  • Rune Steenberg (10/2013-01/2014, ZELF Berlin): "Trading networks across the Chinese-Kyrgyz border from a kinship/relatedness perspective."
  • Kristof van Assche (09-12/2013, ZEF Bonn): "Law & development: towards a reconfiguration of institutional and anthropological perspectives. Learning from Uzbek and Tajik encounters."
  • Mukaram Toktogulova (2013, ZMO Berlin): "The Localization of the Transnational Tablighi Jama’at Network in Kyrgyzstan: Reconsidering Traditional and Islamic Practices."
  • Rana Behal (01-04/2013, ZELF FU Berlin): "Migration flows in colonial plantation economies: moving labour in British Imperial Asia."
  • Hafeez Jamali (2012, Zentrum Moderner Orient Berlin): "Ports, Pipelines, and Pipedreams of Modernity: Ethnic Identity and the Politics of Place in Gwadar, Pakistan."
  • Alisher Khaliyarov (03-08/2012, IAO University of Bonn): "Migration Flow in Central Asia after 1990: Social Problems and Burdens of Uzbek Migrants in Russia."
  • Kamal U. Siddiqui (03-08/2012, IAO University of Bonn): "A Comparison of National Control Systems for Management of Water Resources in Selected Countries of Crossroads Asia."
  • Umaira Rashidova (03-05/2012, IAA HU Berlin): "Nature and characteristics of population migration in Central Asia during the 1990s: case of Tajikistan."
  • Niamatullah Ibrahimi (01-06/2012, ZELF FU Berlin): "The Role of Quetta Hazara in Rise of Hazara Ethnic Consciousness."
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