Further Publications


Bagdasarova, N., von Boemcken, M., Boboyorov, H., Schetter, C. & J. Sulaimanov (2016): Local Security-Making in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. BICC Working Paper, Bonn.

von Boemcken, M. & Schetter, C. (2016): Security – What Is It? What Does It Do? Think Piece No. 9, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES), Berlin.

Dörre, A., Kreutzmann, H. & S. Schütte (Hrsg., 2016): Pamirs at the crossroads – changing challenges and perspectives. Berlin Geographical Papers 45, 1-16.

Mielke, K. & Grawert, E. (2016): Warum Afghanistan kein sicheres Herkunftsland ist. In: BICC Policy Brief 1/2016.

Benz, A. (2016): The power of translocal networks and remittances. In: Wymann von Dach, S.; Bachmann, F.; Borsdorf, A.; Kohler, T.; Jurek, M. and Sharma, E. (eds.): Investing in sustainable mountain development: Opportunities, resources and benefits. Bern, Switzerland: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), University of Bern, 36-37.

Bohnet, H., Mielke, K., Rudolf, M., Schetter, C. & Vollmer, R. (2015): Protected rather than Protracted: Strengthening Displaced Persons in Peace Processes. BICC Working Paper No. 3. Bonn: BICC.

Kaiser, M. (2015): Kazakhstan‘s Model of Interethnic Tolerance: From a European Perspective. In: IPH: Materials of international scientific-practical conference? Kazakhstan model of interethnic tolerance and social consent of N. А. Nazarbayev: twenty years of success and creation? Almaty: Academy of Science, 29-37.

Mielke, K. & Schetter, C. (2015): Der Fall Kundus. Ein Plädoyer für eine kritische Bestandsaufnahme statt militärischem Aktionismus. Bonn: BICC.

Schetter, C. (2015): Der Gipfel globaler Verantwortung(slosigkeit). Ein Plädoyer für Nachhaltigkeit anstelle militärischer Aufrüstung. Bonn: BICC.


Amankwah, K, Shtaltovna, A, Kelboro, G. & Hornidge, A.-K. (2015): A Critical Review of the Follow the Innovation Approach: Stakeholder collaboration and agricultural innovation development, ZEF Working Paper Series 138. Bonn: Zentrum für Entwicklungsforschung.

Bech Hansen, C. (2015): Hegemonic power-struggle over Ukraine's future leaves the weakest on the roadside. ZEF Policy Brief No. 13, May 2015.

Hornidge, A.-K.; Mielke, K. (2015): Crossroads Studies: Mobilities & Immobilities for Rethinking Area Studies. In: ZEF News, 1/2015 (May 2015).

Ismailbekova, A. (2015): Constructing the authority of women through custom: Bulak village, Kyrgyzstan. In: Direnberger, L., J. Cleuziou, & I. Karzabi (eds.): Special issue on ‘Gender and Nationalism in Central Asia’, Nationalities Papers.

Kaiser, M. (2015): Kazakhstan´s model of interethnic tolerance: a success story?. In: ZEF News 32, 4.

Mielke, K. & Schetter, C. (2015): Der Fall Kundus. Ein Plädoyer für eine kritische Bestandsaufnahme statt militärischem Aktionismus. Bonn: BICC.

Schütte, S. & Kreutzmann, H. (2015): Making a Living in Varanasi: Social Place and Socio-Economic Space. Berlin Geographical Papers 44, Berlin.


Hill, J. (2014): Farmer-managed irrigation in the Alai, Pamir, Karakorum and trans-Himalaya. In: ZEF News, April 2014, 4-5.

Mandler, A., Hornidge, A.-K., Shtaltovna, A., & H. Boboyorov (2014): “Coping with transition in rural Central Asia and Caucasus: ZEF researchers gain insights from farmers’ diaries”, ZEF News, 29 April 2014, p. 8.

Schetter C. (2014): The new German foreign policy: Responsibility and interests. Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC) Press Release, February 6, 2014.

Schwachula, A., Vila Seoane, M. & A.-K. Hornidge (2014): “Science, technology and innovation in the context of development”, ZEF Working Paper Series, Vol. 132. Bonn: ZEF.


Hornidge, A.-K. et al 2013: Adapting to water scarcity: constraints and opportunities or improving irrigation management in Khorezm, Uzbekistan. In: IWA Publishing, Water, Science and Technology: Water Supply, 13.2, 337- 348.

Lamers, J.; A. Khamzina; A. Bhaduri; A. M. Manschadi; A.-K. Hornidge; B. Tischbein; C. Conrad; C. Martius; N. Ibragimov; R. Eshchanov; V. Moustafaev & P. Vlek 2013: Recognition, visibility and the beacons set for a handover: Highlights of a decade of interdisciplinary research and education in the Aral Sea Basin, Central Asia. Bonn: Center for Development Research.

Reetz, D. 2013: Travelling Islam – Madrasa Graduates from India and Pakistan in the Malay Archipelago. ZMO Working Papers. Berlin: ZMO. 

Van Assche, K.; A.-K. Hornidge; A. Shtaltovna, H. Boboyorov 2013: Epistemic cultures, knowledge cultures and the transition of agricultural expertise. Rural development in Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Georgia. ZEF Working Paper Series. Vol.118. Bonn: Zentrum für Entwicklungsforschung.

2011 & 2012

Benz, A. 2011: Kompetenznetzwerk Crossroads Asia. In: Fachinformationsdienst 1/2011: Center for Area Studies, FU Berlin, 9-16.

Boedeker, J. 2011: Review of Jahani, Carina / Korn, Agnes / Titus, Paul (eds.): The Baloch and Others. Linguistic, Historical and Socio-Political Perspectives on Pluralism in Balochistan. In: Orientalische Literaturzeitung 106, 417-419.

Bouzas, A. 2011: Kashmir: Perceptions of Conflict from the Border. In: Bericht über das Forschungsjahr 2010. Geisteswissenschaftliche Zentren Berlin e.V., 87 – 95.

Kreutzmann, H., Yong, Y. & Richter, J. (Eds.) 2011: Pastoralism and rangeland management on the Tibetan Plateau in the context of climate and global change. Bonn: GIZ GmbH.

Kreutzmann, H.; Abdulalishoev, K.; Zhaohui, L. and Richter, J. (Eds.) 2011:  Pastoralism and Rangeland Management in Mountain Areas in the context of Climate and Global Change. Regional Workshop in Khorog and Kashgar. Bonn: GIZ GmbH.

Kruk, E.; Kreutzmann, H. and Richter, J. (Eds.) 2011: Integrated Tourism Concepts to Contribute to Sustainable Mountain Development in Nepal. Proceedings of the Regional Workshop. Bonn: GIZ GmbH.

Mielke, K. & Schetter, C. 2011: Kontextanalysen. ZEF an der Schnittstelle zwischen Wissenschaft und Entwicklungspraxis. In: ZEF News, 2/2011 (September).

Mielke, K.; Schetter, C. and Wilde, A. 2011: Dimensions of Social Order: Empirical Fact, Analytical Framework and Boundary Concept. ZEF Working Paper 78.

Rzehak, L. 2011: Doing Pashto: The ideal of honourable behavior and tribal life among the Pashtuns, Afghanistan Analysts Network Thematic Report 01/2011.

Yarash, N. and Mielke, K. 2011: “The Social Order of the Bazaar: Socio-economic embedding of Retail and Trade in Kunduz and Imam Sahib”. ZEF Working Paper 79.

Ул-Хассан, Мехмуд, Анна-Катарина Хорнидж, Лоренс ван Вельдхойзен, Акмал Акрамханов, Инна Руденко, Нодир Джанибеков 2012: Вслед за Инновациями: Совместное тестирование и адаптация сельскохозяйственных инноваций в Узбекистане. Справочник для исследователей и практиков. Центр Исследований по Развитию, Боннский Университет, Германия, в сотрудничестве с Сельскохозяйственным отделом Фонда ETC, Нидерланды.

Shtaltovna, A., A.-K. Hornidge & P. P. Mollinga 2011: The Reinvention of Agricultural Service Organisations in Uzbekistan – a Machine-Tractor Park in the Khorezm Region. ZEF Working Paper Series. Vol. 75. Bonn: Zentrum für Entwicklungsforschung.

Ul-Hassan, M., A.-K. Hornidge, L. van Veldhuizen, A. Akramkhanov, I. Rudenko, N. Djanibekov 2011: Follow the Innovation: Participatory Testing and Adaptation of Agricultural Innovations in Uzbekistan – Guidelines for Researchers and Practitioners. Bonn: Center for Development Research, in Collaboration with ETC Agriculture, the Netherlands.

Van Assche, K. & A.-K. Hornidge 2012: Knowledge in rural land governance in Uzbekistan: Evolutions, institutions and couplings. ZEF Working Paper Series. Vol. 98. Bonn: Zentrum für Entwicklungsforschung.

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