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New Crossroads Asia Working Paper No. 34

Boundaries and Identities: The Case of Gilgit-Baltistan, by A. A. Dad


Crossroads Asia Bulletin No. 7 (June/July 2016)

Find the latest conferences, vacancies, and lectures in the field of AS and beyond.


Crossroads Asia Bulletin No. 6 (June 2016)

Find the latest conferences, vacancies, and lectures in the field of AS and beyond.


New Crossroads Asia Fellow at LMU (05-07/2016)

Judd Kinzley, University of Wisconsin-Madison: "Natural Resource Production, Capital, and Defining the Limits of State Power in Xinjiang"


New Crossroads Asia Working Papers No. 31, 32 & 33

The following new papers have been published in the Crossroads Asia Working Paper Series in 2016: No. 33 Shanatibieke, Mayinu (April 2016): China Kazakhs’ Emigration to Kazakhstan from a Modernity Perspective...


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