Event archive



Jahrestagung 2016 CrossArea e.V.

September 21-22, 2016 @ZEF in Bonn.


Area Studies Futures: The 5th International Crossroads Asia Conference

September 22-23, 2016 @ZEF in Bonn.


"Decommodifying knowledge: Recuperating the interdisciplinarity of area studies"

September 22, 2016 from 3 - 4:15 pm. Crossroads Asia Lecture by Shelley Feldman @ZEF in Bonn. The lecture is part of the 5th International Crossroads Asia Conference: Area Studies' Futures.


Lecture Series "Afghanistan"

27.04.2016 - 13.07.2016. Wednesdays, 6 p.m. @HU Berlin.


"Ein Spaziergang durch das afghanische Postwesen"

29.06.2016, 6 p.m. Lecture by Franz-Josef Pütz @HU Berlin. The lecture is part of HUs lecture series "Afghanistan".


"Gedruckter Dschihad: Afghanistans religiöse Magazine der 1980er Jahre"

15.06.2016, 6 p.m. Lecture by Simon Wolfgang Fuchs @HU Berlin. The lecture is part of HUs lecture series "Afghanistan".


"Post-disciplinary Science Futures: (Un)thinking Research, Praxes for a Pluriversal World"

09.06.2016, 1:30 p.m. Crossroads Asia Lecture by Epifania Amoo-Adare @ZEF in Bonn. The lecture is part of ZEFs bi-weekly, interdisciplinary colloquia.


Pamirs at the Crossroads – Changing challenges and perspectives

Meeting of Minds / Rundgespräch in Berlin, 20-23 April 2016


Reflections on Migration Dynamics in Northern Ghana from the 'Crossroads 'Perspective'

Crossroads Asia Lecture by Stephen Adaawen @ZEF in Bonn


Peaceland: Why everyday practices hinder the effectiveness of peace missions

Lecture in Bonn on Weds., March 2 @ 6 pm, by Professor Séverine Atesserre (Columbia University)


Area Studies Futures

Rethinking Research and Practice for a Global World -- a lecture by Epifania Amoo-Adare

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