Internal Crossroads Asia Workshop, ZMO Berlin: Transregional Crossroads of Social Interaction

The Shifting Meaning of Regional Belonging in South and Central Asia

The internal workshop at ZMO within the Crossroads Asia programme seeks to explore the shifting meaning of regional belonging across the neighbouring regions of South and Central Asia. It proposes to read the transregional interaction here in terms of social, economic, cultural and religious interaction. It thereby focuses on new forms of clustering of such patterns of interaction which allow for new forms of belonging. They can be more local but also more expansive than previous notions of area and region challenging the political area studies logic of the cold war period based on bounded areas. The re-emergence of assertion of cultural, religious and social belonging equally challenges administrative and political logics in various localities as well as across conventional regional boundaries.

The Workshop will be held on March 21st, 2014 at Zentrum Moderner Orient Berlin. The papers will be revised after the workshop by April 30, 2014 with a view to publish them in an international peer-reviewed themed journal publication.

For more information you can download the preliminary program <media 881 - - "TEXT, Flyer Workshop 210314, Flyer_Workshop_210314.pdf, 547 KB">here</media>.

For details, please contact Christian Kübler.

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