Volatility in the media
Junior Researcher Regine Weber reports about her Phd research on food security monitoring using SMS in Kenya [08.08.2018]
Prof. Joachim von Braun speaks about the Global Compact on Refugees in Phoenix [17.12.2018]
Prof. Joachim von Braun discusses theImplications of the EAT Lancet Report on a Planetary Diet with Deutschlandfunk and asks for a reduction of meat consumption [18.01.2019]
Dr. Tekalign Sakketa spoke with the Deutsche Welle Amharic Service about Measuring unemployment: trends, patterns and prospects in Ethiopia and other African countries [03.07.2019]
Prof. Joachim von Braun reports about the possible effects of a Meat Tax in Germany on consumption behavior [12.08.2019]
Volatility researchers organized a session on how productive safety net programs can contribute to poverty reduction at the 2019 PEGNet Conference in Bonn
Photo by kielinstitute [flickr]