Trade Policy

Governments use agricultural trade policy for several reasons:

  1. To protect domestic producers from international competition through import taxation.
  2. To protect domestic producers from unsafe food.
  3. To manage food price stability.
  4. To tap export markets for domestic producers.

Our research examines the effectiveness of trade policies to meet these objectives and the implications of the externalities of these trade policies.


  • Latka, C ,Heckelei, T., Kuhn, A., Witzke, HP & Kornher, L (2021).  CAP measures towards environmental sustainability—Trade opportunities for Africa?.  Q Open, 1(1)   . (Open Access) 
  • Kornher, L. and J. von Braun (2020).  EU common agricultural policy-Impacts on trade with Africa and African agricultural development.  ZEF Discussion Paper, 294.
  • Kornher, L. and M. Kalkuhl (2019).  The gains of coordination - When does regional cooperation for food security make sense?.  Global Food Security, 22: 37-45.
  • Kornher, L., M. Kalkuhl, I. Mujahid (2017). Food price volatility in developing countries - the role of trade policies and storage. FOOD SECURE Working Paper No. 57.
  • Kozicka, M., M. Kalkuhl & J. Brockhaus (2017). Food Grain Policies in India and their Implications for Stocks and Fiscal Costs: A Dynamic Partial Equilibrium Analysis. Journal of Agricultural Economics, 68(1), pp. 98–122. [PDF]
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