Latest publications


  • Aboushady, N., L. Kornher, and C. Zaki  (2024). Fruit and vegetable value chains in Africa. In Africa Agriculture Trade Monitor (Sunday Odjo, Fousseini Traore, and Chahir Zaki, eds.), IFPRI and Akademiya2063. (Open Access) Further Information
  • Adong, A., L. Kornher, B.B.Chichaibelu, and A. Arslan (2024). The hidden costs of coffee production in the Eastern African value chains – Background paper for The State of Food and Agriculture 2024.FAO Agricultural Development Economics Working Paper 24-06. Rome, FAO. Further Information
  • Maina, C.C., L. Kornher, and J. von Braun (2024). Role of food choice motives in the socio-economic disparities in diet diversity and obesity outcomes in Kenya, PLoS ONE 19 (5), e0302510. (Open Access) Further Information
  • Zhen, L., L. Kornher, and M. Qaim (2024). Impacts of supermarkets on child nutrition in China, Food Policy 127, 102681. Further Information
  • Kornher, L., D. Sakyi, and L.L. Tannor (2024). “When you need it quick, let us ship it right”: on the importance of port efficiency and service quality to comply with food trade standards in Ghana. Review of World Economics. (Open Access)  Further Information 
  • Kornher, L., T. Balezentis, and F.G. Santeramo (2024). EU Food price inflation amid global market turbulences during the COVID-19 pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine War. Applied Economics and Policy Perspectives, 1-22.  (Open Access)  Further Information 
  • Usman, M.A., D.A. Mekonnen, L. Kornher, and J. von Braun (2024).Real consumer food prices and child mortality: Evidence from low- and middle-income countries. Applied Economics and Policy Perspectives, forthcoming.
  • Sakketa, T.G. and L. Kornher (2024). Can Index Insurance Alter Pastoralists’ Labor Allocation Decisions? Evidence from East Africa. Journal of the American Agricultural & Applied Economics Association, forthcoming.
  • Algieri, B., L. Kornher, J. von Braun (2024). The Changing Drivers of Food Inflation – Macroeconomics, Inflation, and War. ZEF Discussion Papers No. 339, Center for Development Research, Bonn. Further information
  • Kornher, L. and J. von Braun (2024). Global food crisis and implications for actions in the context of war and pandemic shocks. In: Food and humanitarian crises: science and policies for prevention and mitigation, Proceedings of the Working Group 9-10 May 2023 (Eds. Joachim von Braun, Bettina Iseli, Maximo Torero, and Peter Turkson), Vatican City: Scripta Varia. Further information
  • von Braun, J., Chichaibelu, B. B., Laborde D. and M. Torero Cullen (2024). Cost of Ending Hunger – Consequences of Complacency, and Financial Needs for SDG2 Achievement.ZEF Discussion Papers No. 347, Center for Development Research, Bonn. Further information
  • Okyere, C.Y., R. Atta-Ankomah, C. Asante-Addo, and L. Kornher (2024). The effect of carbon farming training on food security and development resilience in Northern Ghana. Climate and Development, 1-11. Further information
  • Afesorgbor, S.K., L. Kornher, and F.G. Santeramo (2024). The impacts of economic sanctions on food (prices) security: Evidence from targeted countries. EUI Working Paper, No. 2024/24. Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Florence. Further information
  • Sangare, S.A., E.T. Beke, and M. Tankari (2024). Assessing employment and labour market effects of rural infrastructure investments in the Sahel region: Cases of Niger and Côte d‘Ivoire. ZEF Working Paper Series, No. 233, Center for Development Research (ZEF), Bonn. Further information


  • Mellon Bedi, S., & Kornher, L. (2023). Diffusion of climate-resilient seeds and information: evidence from semi-arid regions of Ghana. Climate and Development, 15(10), 841–849. Further Information
  • Kornher, L., Z. Kubik, B.B. Chichaibelu, and M. Torero Cullen (2023). The aid-nutrition link–Does targeted development assistance related to food systems matter?. World Development 162, 106127. Further Information 
  • Issahaku, G., L. Kornher, A.H.M. Saiful Islam, and A.Abdul-Rahaman (2023). Heterogeneous impacts of home-gardening on household food and nutrition security in Rwanda, Food Security. (Open Access)  Further Information
  • Bueno Rezende de Castro, A., L. Kornher (2023). The effect of trade and customs digitalization on agrifood trade: A gravity approach, Q Open, 3(1).  (Open Access)  Further Information
  • Raijkhowa, P. and L. Kornher (2023). Effects of electronic markets on prices, spikes in prices, and price dispersion: A case study of the tea market in India Agribusiness 39, 1117–1138.  Further Information
  • Kirui, O.K, L. Kornher, M. Bekchanov (2023). Productivity growth and the role of mechanisation in African agriculture. Agrekon 62 (1), 80-97. Further Information
  • Dagunga G., M. Ayamga, W. Laube, I.G.K. Ansah, L. Kornher, and BH. Kotu (2023) Agroecology and resilience of smallholder food security: a systematic review. Front. Sustain. Food Syst. 7:1267630.  Further Information
  • Okyere, C.Y. and L. Kornher (2023). Carbon Farming Training and Welfare: Evidence from Northern Ghana. Land Use Policy 134, 106932. Further information


  • Bonuedi, I., L. Kornher, N. Gerber (2022). Agricultural seasonality, market access, and food security in Sierra Leone. Food Security, 14(2): 471-494. (Open Access)   Further Information
  • Bonuedi, I., N. Gerber, L. Kornher (2022). Intervening in Cash Crop Value Chains for Improved Nutrition: Evidence from Rural Sierra Leone.  The Journal of Development Studies, 58: 38-54. Further Information
  • Hassan, F. and L. Kornher (2022). Farm wage and rice price dynamics in Bangladesh. Food Security, 14(1). (Open Access)   Further Information
  • Rajkhowa, P. and L. Kornher (2022). COVID-19 and distortions in urban food market in India. Indian Economic Review, 57: 133-164. (Open Access)   Further Information
  • Mellon Bedi, S., C. Azzarri, B. H. Kotu, L. Kornher and J.v. Braun (2022). Scaling-up agricultural technologies: who should be targeted?. European Review of Agricultural Economics, 49(4): 857-875.  (Open Access)   Further Information
  • Mellon Bedi, S., L Kornher, J. von Braun, B. H. Kotu (2022). Stimulating Innovations for Sustainable Agricultural Practices among Smallholder Farmers: Persistence of Intervention Matters. The Journal of Development Studies, 58(1): 38-54. Further information
  • Okyere, C.Y. and L. Kornher (2022). Carbon Farming Training and Welfare: Evidence from Northern Ghana. ZEF Discussion Papers, No. 320. Center for Development Research, Bonn. Further information
  • Usman, M.A., A Adong, E. Injete, M. Dzudzor, T.D. Getahun, J. Lulie, L. Kornher (2022). The effect of COVID-19 and associated lockdown measures on household consumption, income, and employment: Evidence from sub-Saharan African countries, ZEF Working Paper Series, No. 218, Center for Development Research (ZEF), Bonn. Further information
  • Wassie, M.A., L. Kornher, and J. von Braun (2022). African Continental Free Trade Agreement: A review of analyses of likely impacts and challenges of implementation, ZEF Working Paper Series, No. 217, Center for Development Research (ZEF), Bonn. Further information
  • Usman, M.A. and M.G. Haile (2022). Market access, household dietary diversity and food security: Evidence from Eastern Africa. Food Policy 113, 102374. Further information

Publications (2012-2021)


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