Market Access, Diversification, and Technologies

Our research shows the importance of linking farmers to markets to receive income from market sales and to access products on the market they cannot produce on their own. Providing physical infrastructure that enables market access throughout the whole years is essential to link farmers to markets and stabilize nutrition outcomes across the agricultural season. Farm diversification serves as a strategy against price risks and smoothes food consumption by providing food and incomes throughout the year. Technology adoption and intensification increase agricultural yields but unfold its full potential to food and nutrition security only if farmers are linked to markets.


  • Bonuedi, I., L. Kornher, N. Gerber (2021). Agricultural seasonality, market access and food security in Sierra Leone. Food Security forthcoming
  • Bonuedi, I., N Gerber, L Kornher (2021).  Intervening in Cash Crop Value Chains for Improved Nutrition: Evidence from Rural Sierra Leone. The Journal of Development Studies: 1-17.
  • Kankwamba, H. and L. Kornher.  2019.  How much do infrastructural investments mitigate impacts of seasonal shocks on food security?.  (ZEF Discussion Paper 289) Download
  • Islam, A.H.M.S, J. von Braun, A.L. Thorne-Lyman and A.U. Ahmed (2018). Farm diversification and food and nutrition security in Bangladesh: empirical evidence from nationally representative household panel data, Food Security, 10(3), pp. 701–710. [PDF]

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