Economic and Technological Change (ECON)


Baumüller, H. and Kah, M.M.O.  2019.  Going digital: harnessing the power of emerging technologies for the transformation of Southern African agriculture.  In: Sikora R.A., Terry E.R., Vlek P.L.G., and Chitja J. (eds.): Transforming Agriculture in Southern Africa: Constraints, Technologies, Policies and Processes. Routledge.   (Open Acess)  Further Information
Baye K., K. Hirvonen, M. Dereje and R. Remans.  2019.  Energy and nutrient production in Ethiopia, 2011-2015: Implications to supporting healthy diets and food systems.  PLoS ONE, 14   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Bekchanov M, MAH Mondal, A de Alwis, A Mirzabaev.  2019.  Why adoption is slow despite promising potential of biogas technology for improving energy security and mitigating climate change in Sri Lanka.  Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 105   : 378-390   . Further Information
Bekchanov M., Md. A.H. Mondal, A. de Alwis, and A. Mirzabaev.  2019.  Why adoption is slow despite promising potential of biogas technology for improving energy security and mitigating climate change in Sri Lanka?.  Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 105   : 378-390   . Further Information
Bhopal, Anand; Blanchard, Kevin; Weber, Regine; Murray, Virginia.  2019.  Disasters and Food Security: The Impact on Health.  International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 33   :   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Boansi D., Tambo J.A. and Müller, M.  2019.  Intra-seasonal risk of agriculturally-relevant weather extremes in West African Sudan Savanna.  Theoretical and Applied Climatology., 135   : 355–373   . Further Information
Boboev H., Djanibekov U., Bekchanov M., Lamers J., Toderich K..  2019.  Feasibility of Conservation Agriculture in the Amu Darya River Lowlands, Central Asia.  International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 17(1)   : 60-77   . Further Information
Bonuedi, I., Kamasa, K., & Boateng, E..  2019.  The growth effects of bulging economically active population in Sub-Saharan Africa: Do institutions matter?.  African Development Review, 31(1)   : 71-86   . Further Information
Chimbaza M., H. Kankwamba, A. Mwangwela and W. Kamthunzi.  2019.  Post-harvest groundnut aflatoxin management among smallholder farmers in Malawi.  World Mycotoxin Journal, . Further Information
Elmqvist, T. F. Gatzweiler, E. Lindgren and J. Liu.  2019.  Resilience Management for Healthy Cities in a Changing Climate.  In: M.R. Marselle, J. Stadler, H. Korn, K.N. Irvine and A. Bonn (eds.): Biodiversity and Health in the Face of Climate Change. Springer.   411-424.  (Open Acess)  Further Information
Fears, R., C. Canales, V. Ter Meulen and J. von Braun.  2019.  Transforming food systems to deliver healthy, sustainable diets—the view from the world's science academies.  The Lancet Planet Health, 3 (4)   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Fears, R., ter Meulen, V. and J. von Braun.  2019.  Global food and nutrition security needs more and new science.  Science Advances, 5 (12)   . Further Information
Gashaw T. Abate, Mekdim Dereje, Kalle Hirvonen, and Bart Minten.  2019.  Geography of public service delivery in rural Ethiopia. Geography of public service delivery in rural Ethiopia.  Strategy Support Programm , Working Paper 133. IFPRI Ethiopia.  
Henry Kankwamba, Lukas Kornher.  2019.  Performance, behaviour and organization of maize trading in Malawi.  Agricultural and Food Economics, 14 (7)   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Katharina F. Gallant.  2019.  Discursive Re-Foundation of an Intercultural Abya Yala: Morales’ Discourse in the Midst of Crisis and the Tradition of Protest.  In: Eleonora Esposito, Carolina Pérez-Arredondo, José Manuel Ferreiro (eds.): Discourses from Latin America and the Caribbean: Current Concepts and Challenges. Palgrave Macmillan.   33-68.  Further Information
Kornher, L. und M. Kalkuhl.  2019.  The gains of coordination - When does regional cooperation for food security make sense?.  Global Food Security, 22   : 37-45   .
Kornher, L., M. Schellhorn and S. Vetter.  2019.  Disgusting or Innovative-Consumer Willingness to Pay for Insect Based Burger Patties in Germany.  Sustainability, 11(7)   . Further Information
Kozicka, M., R. Weber, M. Kalkuhl.  2019.  Cash vs. in-kind transfers: the role of self-targeting in reforming the Indian food subsidy program.  Food Security, 2019: 11   : 915–927   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Kozicka, M., Weber, R., & Kalkuhl, M..  2019.  Cash vs. in-kind transfers: the role of self-targeting in reforming the Indian food subsidy program.  Food Security, :   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Lucie Andeltová, Delia C. Catacutan, Tobias Wünscher, Karin Holm-Müller.  2019.  Gender aspects in action- and outcome-based payments for ecosystem services—A tree planting field trial in Kenya.  Ecosystem Services , 35   : 13-22   . Further Information
Miranda Arana; A.J., J. Boerner, M. Kalkuhl and B. Soares-Filho.  2019.  Land speculation and conservation policy leakage in Brazil.  Environmental Research Letters, . (Open Access)   Further Information
Mirzabaev A, Wu J, Evans J, Garcia-Oliva F, Hussein I, Iqbal M, Kimutai J, Knowles T, Meza F, Nedjraoui D, Tena F, Türkeş M, Vázquez R, Weltz M.  2019.  Desertification.  An IPCC special report on climate change, desertification, land degradation, sustainable land management, food security, and greenhouse gas fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems. IPCC.   Further Information
Mussa, E.C., A. Mirzabaev. A. Admassie, E. Nshakira-Rukundo and J. von Braun.  2019.  Does childhood work impede long-term human capital accumulation? Empirical evidence from rural Ethiopia.  International Journal of Educational Development, 66   : 234-246   . Further Information
Okyere, C. Y. and E. H. Pangaribowo.  2019.  Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Practices among Selected Public Basic Schools in Southern Ghana.  Ghana Social Science Journal, 15 (2)   : 90-117   . Further Information
Okyere, C. Y., E. H. Pangaribowo, and N. Gerber.  2019.  Household Water Quality Testing and Information: Identifying Impacts on Health Outcomes, and Sanitation and Hygiene-related Risk-mitigating Behaviors.  Evaluation Review, . Further Information
Schrader F., A. Kamolidinov, M. Bekchanov, M. Laldjebaev, S. Tsani.  2019.  Chapter 5: Hydropower.  In: Xenarios S., D. Schmidt-Vogt, M. Qadir, B. Janusz-Pawletta, I. Abdullaev (eds.): The Aral Sea Basin: Water for Sustainable Development in Central Asia. Routledge.   52-66.  Further Information
Simtowe, F., Marenya, P., Amondo, E., Worku, M., Rahut, D., Erenstein, O.  2019.  Heterogeneous seed access and information exposure: implications for the adoption of drought tolerant maize varieties in Uganda.  Agricultural and Food Economics, 7(1)   . (Open Access)  
Usman, M.A., Gerber, N., & von Braun, J.  2019.  The Impact of Drinking Water Quality and Sanitation on Child Health: Evidence from Rural Ethiopia.  The Journal of Development Studies, 55(10)   : 2193-2211   . Further Information
Usman, MA. and Gerber, N.  2019.  Assessing the effect of irrigation on household water quality and health: A case study in rural Ethiopia.  International Journal of Environmental Health Research , 31(4)   : 433-452   . Further Information
von Braun, J., N. Gerber and V. Abresch.  2019.  Social change and policies driving the transformation of consumption in the food systems.  In: Zeigler, R. S. (eds.): Sustaining Global Food Security: The Nexus of Science and Policy. CSIRO Publishing.  


Baumüller, H.  2018.  The Little We Know: An Exploratory Literature Review on the Utility of Mobile Phone-Enabled Services for Smallholder Farmers.  Journal of International Development, 30 (1)   : 134–154   . Further Information
Bekchanov M , A Mirzabaev.  2018.  Circular economy of composting in Sri Lanka: Opportunities and challenges for reducing waste related pollution and improving soil health.  Journal of Cleaner Production, 202   : 1107-1119   . Further Information
Bekchanov M., Djanibekov N., J. Lamers.  2018.  Water in Central Asia: a cross-cutting management issue.  In: Squires V., L. Qi (eds.): Sustainable Land Management in Greater Central Asia: An Integrated and Regional Perspective. Routledge.   211-236.  Further Information
Dietz, T., Auffenberg, J., Grabs, J., Chong, A.E. and B. Kilian.  2018.  The Voluntary Coffee Standard Index (VOCSI). Developing a composite index to assess and compare the strength of Mainstream Voluntary Sustainability Standards in the global coffee industry.  Ecological Economics, 150   : 72-87   .
Djanibekov, U. and R. Finger.  2018.  Agricultural risks and farm land consolidation process in transition countries: The case of cotton production in Uzbekistan.  Agricultural Systems , 164   : DOI: 10.1016/j.agsy.2018.03.009   .
Escobar N., S. Haddad, J. Börner und W.Britz.  2018.  Land use mediated GHG emissions and spillovers from increased consumption of bioplastic.  Environmental Research Letters, 13 (12)   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Evia, P.  2018.  Addressing horizontal inequality in Bolivia: what is the role of the fiscal policy?.  In: Damonte, G., Schorr, B., and Velásquez-Castellanos, I (eds.): Growth, Inequality and the Challenges for Sustainability In a Post-boom Scenario in the Andean Region. Plural Editors, La Paz - Bolivia.   Further Information
Gebremariam, G., and Tesfaye, W..  2018.  The heterogeneous effect of shocks on agricultural innovations adoption: Microeconometric evidence from rural Ethiopia.  Food Policy, 74   : 154-161   . Further Information
Gerber, N. and Mirzabaev, A..  2018.  Benefits of action and costs of inaction: Drought mitigation and preparedness – a literature review.  In: Donald A. Wilhite and Roger S. Pulwarty (eds.): Drought and Water Crisis – Integrating Science, Management, and Policy. CRC Press, Boca Raton.  
Getahun, T.D. and E. Villanger.  2018.  Active Private Sector Development Policies Revisited: Impacts of the Ethiopian Industrial Cluster Policy.  The Journal of Development Studies, DOI, 10.1080/00220388.2018.1443211   . Further Information

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