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Policy Briefs

von Braun, J., Chichaibelu, B.B., Laborde, D., Torero Cullen, M. and H. Baumüller.  2024.  Ending Hunger by 2030: Consequences of Complacency and the New Financial Needs for Achieving SDG2.  (ZEF Policy Brief 48) Download (english) [PDF | 1.13MB]

Saleemi, S.  2024.  Technologies and Infrastructure to Reduce the Work Burden of Women. Insights from time-use studies in Ethiopia, Ghana and Uganda.  (PARI Policy Brief 38) Download (english) [PDF | 530.34KB]

Khadeja Akter Konok.  2024.  Can the agroprocessing sector create jobs in Africa? Evidence from Ethiopia, Ghana and Tunisia.  (PARI Policy Brief 37) Download (english) [PDF | 533.74KB]

Saleemi, S.  2024.  How to reduce the impact of mother's time demands on children's diet - Insights from women traders in Ghana.  (PARI Policy Brief 36) Download (english) [PDF | 528.46KB]

K. Akter Konok.  2024.  How to engage smallholder producers in scaling the dairy and poultry sectors - Lessons from India.  (PARI Policy Brief 35) Download (english) [PDF | 503.91KB]

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