On this page you can find and download scientific and non-scientific publications authored or co-authored by ZEF researchers. Enjoy your read!
Scientific publications
In this category you’ll find journal articles and book chapters which have been subject to a peer-reviewed process.
ZEF doctoral theses
In this section we have listed both our ongoing and our completed/published doctoral theses. More information on the ongoing doctoral research is available on the researchers’ individual websites (go to
ZEF publications
We have collected our own publications under this heading, with the following sub-categories.
ZEF working papers: Internally reviewed pre-publications of scientific journal articles.
ZEF discussion papers: Non-peer reviewed preprints of scientific work intended to disseminate research results and stimulate discussion.
Policy briefs: Briefs addressing policy- and decision makers.
Further publications: Project-based summaries and publications, strategy papers.
Non-scientific publications
This section contains newsletters and reports addressing audiences beyond the pure scientific community.
ZEF news: Published twice a year, containing news about our research. ZEF news is published in paper format and as e-publication.
ZEF e-newsletter: Published around 3 times a year with miscellaneous news about our research-related activities.
ZEF Annual Report: Published once a year with stories and overviews of our research, capacity-development and outreach activities.
Latest Publications
Read our latest publications here.
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