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ZEF Working Papers

Mensah, K.  2024.  The World Trade Organization at a crossroad: Agricultural negotiations and what it means for developing countries.  (ZEF Working Paper 237) Download [PDF | 1.27MB]

Julika Holdmann, Dennis Lucy Avilés Irahola, Katharina Löhr.  2024.  Women negotiating peace: A step toward durable peace?.  (ZEF Working Paper 236) Download [PDF | 585.85KB]

Glatzel, K., Ameye, H., Hülsen, V. and M. Qaim.  2024.  Changing Food Environments in Africa’s Urban and Peri-Urban Areas: Implications for Diets, Nutrition, and Policy.  (ZEF Working Paper 235) Download [PDF | 3.53MB]

Rabia Chaudhry and Eva Youkhana.  2024.  Deconstructing the climate migration myth: Assessing the impact of the 2022 floods on the movement of local populations in rural Punjab.  (ZEF Working Paper 234) Download [PDF | 463.03KB]

Sangare, Saadatou A., Beke, Ehuitché, T. and M. Tankari.  2024.  Assessing employment and labour market effects of rural infrastructure investments in the Sahel region: Cases of Niger and Côte d‘Ivoire.  (ZEF Working Paper 233) Download [PDF | 2.15MB]

Nyangau, P., Abro, Z., Ecuru, J., Kassie, M., Mukiibi, S., Baumüller, H. and J. von Braun.  2024.  Strengthening Start-Up Ecosystems for Bio-Based Innovations in the Food Sector: Lessons from East Africa.  (ZEF Working Paper 232) Download [PDF | 2.76MB]

Asante, F.A., Awo, M.A., Bonzo, B.B., Sam, R. and S. Saleemi.  2024.  Innovations, Technology and Time Allocation: Implications for Labour Productivity and Welfare in Ghana.  (ZEF Working Paper 231) Download [PDF | 2.17MB]

Isoto, R.E., Nakamatte, I., Bashaasha, B. and S. Saleemi.  2024.  Gendered Patterns of Adults’ and Children’s Time and Access to Technology and Infrastructure in Rural Uganda.  (ZEF Working Paper 230) Download [PDF | 2.03MB]

Getahun, T.G. and J.L. Mekonnen.  2024.  Time Use among Rural Households in Ethiopia: Implications for Household Welfare and Productivity.  (ZEF Working Paper 229) Download [PDF | 2.58MB]

Avilés-Irahola, D. and E. Youkhana.  2024.  The links between the Buen Vivir and Decolonial Feminism: an approach drawn from experiences in Bolivia and Ecuador.  (ZEF Working Paper 228) Download [PDF | 607.02KB]

Avilés-Irahola, D. and E. Youkhana.  2024.  Gender studies in development research: a neocolonial agenda?.  (ZEF Working Paper 227) Download [PDF | 534.95KB]

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