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Peer-reviewed journal articles

Bar, S., Acharya, P., Parida, B.R., Sannigrahie, S., Maiti, A., Barik, G., Kumar, N..  2024.  Investigation of fire regime dynamics and modeling of burn area over India for the twenty-first century..  Environ Sci Pollut Res., . Further Information

Berrezel, Y.A., Abdelbaki, C., Rouissat, B., Boumaaza, T., Saber, M., Goosen, M., Kumar, N..  2024.  Automated GIS-based decision tool for rehabilitation of a drinking water infrastructure in Tlemcen, Algeria..  Applied Water Science, 14, 124   . (Open Access)   Further Information

Boansi, D., Owusu, V., Donkor, E..  2024.  Impact of integrated soil fertility management on maize yield, yield gap and income in northern Ghana.  Sustainable Futures, 7   : 100185   . (Open Access)   Download [PDF]
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Dwivedi, C.S., Dishant, Parida, B.R., Pandey, A.C., Kumar, R., Kumar, N..  2024.  Geoinformatics-Based Mapping of Environmental Sensitive Areas for Desertification over Satara and Sangli Districts of Maharashtra, India..  GeoHazards, , 5(2)   : 415-440   . (Open Access)   Further Information

Dürr, J., Sili, M.; Mac Clay, P. and Sellare, J..  2024.  Bioeconomic innovations breeding more sustainable innovations: A value chain perspective from Argentina.  Business Strategy & the Environment, . (Open Access)   Further Information

Fashagba TS, Bessedik M, ElSayed NB, Abdelbaki C, Kumar N..  2024.  Evaluating the Water Quality of the Keddara Dam (Algeria) Using Water Quality Indices..  Water, 16(9):1291   . (Open Access)   Further Information

Felappi, J.F., J.H. Sommer, T.Falkenberg, W. Terlau & T. Kötter.  2024.  Urban park qualities driving visitors mental well-being and wildlife conservation in a Neotropical megacity.  Scientific Reports, 14   . (Open Access)   Further Information

Gallant, K. F..  2024.  Indigenous Discourse for Peaceful Coexistence: Engaging in Intercultural Polylogue for Tackling Global Challenges.  Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis across Disciplines, 15(2)   : 1-21   . (Open Access)   Download [PDF]
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Grote, U., Nguyen, T-T., Nguyen, T. T., & Neubacher, F..  2024.  Determinants and impacts of rural crime victimization: Evidence from a case study in Southeast Asia.  Journal of Asian Economics, 91, 101712   . Further Information

Hoa Do; Whitney, C. ; Nguyen La; Storm, H. ; Luedeling, E..  2024.  Adapting agroforestry to upland farming systems: narratives from smallholder farmers in Northwest Vietnam.  Agronomy for Sustainable Development , 17 (44)   : S. 44   . (Open Access)   Download [PDF | 2.48MB]
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Kihagi, G.W., Hansen, L.-S., Agure, E., Muok, E.M.O., Mank, I., Danquah, I., Sorgho, R.  2024.  'Counselling is not just providing information': perceptions of caregivers and stakeholders on the design of nutrition and health counselling interventions for families with young children in rural Kenya.  BMC Health Services Research, 24: 597   . (Open Access)   Further Information

Kurniawan, A.L., Ranisavljev, M., Partap, U., Shinde, S., Ferrero, E., Ostojic, S., Mkwanazi, N., Alangea, D.O., Neumann, C., Liu, S., Bärnighausen, T., Fawzi, W.W. ARISE-NUTRINT collaborators.  2024.  Community-based interventions targeting multiple forms of malnutrition among adolescents in low-income and middle-income countries: protocol for a scoping review.  BMJ Open, 14(3)   . (Open Access)   Further Information

Kyeremateng, E., E. Molua, S. Mvodo, F. E. Ndip.  2024.  Credit, gender, and food security: Empiricalevidence of determinants to access,affordability, and consumption in Cameroon.  World Food Policy, : 1-38   . (Open Access)   Further Information

Liu, Z. L. Kornher, M. Qaim.  2024.  Impacts of Supermarkets on Child Nutrition in China.  Food Policy, 127   : 102681   . (Open Access)   Further Information

Luu, T. T. G., E. Luedeling, C. Whitney, and L. Biber-Freudenberger.  2024.  Stakeholder engagement in agro-climate service planning.  Climate Services , 33(100432)   . (Open Access)   Further Information

Luu, T. T. G., E. Luedeling, L. Biber-Freudenberger, and C. Whitney.  2024.  How to bridge the last mile in agro-climate service adoption? The importance of farmers’ needs, attitudes and interpersonal relations in understanding impact pathways.  Environment, Development and Sustainability, . (Open Access)   Further Information

Ma, W. Zhou, X., Boansi, D., Horlu, G.S.A., Owusu, V..  2024.  Adoption and intensity of agricultural mechanization and their impacts on non-farm employment of rural women.  World Development, 173   : 106434   . Further Information

Maina, K.W., M. C. Parlasca, E. J. O. Rao, M. Qaim.  2024.  Farmer-friendly delivery of veterinary services: Experimental insights from the Kenyan dairy sector.  Journal of Agricultural Economics, . (Open Access)   Download [PDF]
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Matias, D.M.S.  2024.  Transdisciplinarity, tempocoupling, and the role of culture in zoonosis research.  Global Sustainability, e10   . (Open Access)   Further Information

Mehmood, K., Tischbein, B., Mahmood, R., Borgemeister, C., Flörke, M. & A. Fazlullah.  2024.  Analysing and evaluating environmental flows through hydrological methods in the regulated Indus River Basin.  Ecohydrology, e2624,2024   . Further Information

Minetto Gellert Paris, J., E. M. F. Lima, J. de A. F. F. Finger, W. R. Isidorio, C.Heinzel, T.Falkenberg, C. Borgemeister, U. M. Pinto, U. Nöthlings.  2024.  Changes in eating habits and lifestyle during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic across metropolitan regions in Brazil and Germany: A survey-based cross-sectional study.  Food Science and Nutrition, : 1-16   . (Open Access)   Further Information

Minetto Gellert Paris, J., N. Escobar, T. Falkenberg, S. Gupta, C. Heinzel, E. Verly Junior, O. Jolliet, C. Borgemeister, U.Nöthlings.  2024.  Optimised diets for achieving One Health: A pilot study in the Rhine-Ruhr Metropolis in Germany.  Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 106   : 107529   . (Open Access)   Download [PDF | 2.20MB]
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Nabatanzi, M., J.R. Harris, P. Namukanja, S.N. Kabwama, S. Nabatanzi, P. Nabunya, B. Kwesiga, A. R Ario, P. Komakech.  2024.  Improving maternal and neonatal outcomes among pregnant women who are HIV-positive or HIV-negative through the Saving Mothers Giving Life initiative in Uganda: An analysis of population-based mortality surveillance data.  PLOS Glob Public Health, 4(2)   . (Open Access)   Further Information

Nyanghura , Q.M., Biber-Freudenberger, L., Börner, J..  2024.  Incentives for biodiversity conservation under asymmetric land ownership.  Ecological Economics, 219   . Further Information

Nyanghura, Q. ; L. Biber-Freudenberger, J. Börner.  2024.  Incentives for biodiversity conservation under asymmetric land ownership.  Ecological Economics, 219   . (Open Access)   Further Information

Oluoch, W.A., C. Borgemeister, J. De Deus Vidal Junior, T. Fremout, H. Gaisberger, C.Whitney, and C.B. Schmitt.  2024.  Predicted changes in distribution and richness of wild edible plants under climate change scenarios in northwestern Kenya.  Regional Environmental Change, 24(11)   . (Open Access)   Further Information

Rajkhowa, P.  2024.  From subsistence to market-oriented farming: The role of groundwater irrigation in smallholder agriculture in eastern India.  Food Security, . Further Information

Rajkhowa, P., H. Baumüller.  2024.  Assessing the potential of ICT to increase land and labour productivity in agriculture: Global and regional perspectives.  Journal of Agricultural Economics, . (Open Access)   Further Information

Rana, M.S., M. Qaim.  2024.  Patterns of Temporary Rural Migration: A Study in Northern Bangladesh.  World Development, 182   : 106718   . (Open Access)   Further Information

Rasmussen, L.V., I. Grass, Z. Mehrabi, O.M. Smith, R. Bezner-Kerr, J. Blesh, L.A. Garibaldi, M.E. Isaac, C.M. Kennedy, H. Wittman, P. Batáry, D. Buchori, R. Cerda, J. Chará, D. Crowder, K. Darras, K. DeMaster, K. Garcia, (...), M. Qaim, et al.  2024.  Joint Environmental and Social Benefits from Diversified Agriculture.  Science, 384   : 87-93   . Further Information

Ricome, A., A. Faye, C. S. Fall, S. Gomez-y-Paloma.  2024.  The impact of access to agricultural advisory services on input use and farm performance: Evidence from Senegal.  Agribusiness, : 1-19   . Further Information

Rizzi, A. and P. P. Mollinga.  2024.  Blooming activism in a drying land: Water justice movements along river Tigris in Iraq.  Political Geography, 113   . Further Information

Sadame, M.K., Bouanani, A., Kumar, N., Tischbein, B., Borgemeister, C..  2024.  Comparison of Different Machine-Learning Algorithms for Land Use Land Cover Mapping in a Heterogenous Landscape Over the Eastern Nile River Basin, Ethiopia..  Advances in Space Research, 5 (74)   : 2180-2199   . Further Information

San, S.M., Kumar, N., Biber-Freudenberger, L., Schmitt, C.B..  2024.  Policy Evaluation and Monitoring of Agricultural Expansion in Forests in Myanmar: An Integrated Approach of Remote Sensing Techniques and Social Surveys.  Land, 13(2), 150   . (Open Access)   Further Information

Sangber-Dery,G.-M., Tham-Agyekum, E.K., Ankuyi, F., Bakang,J.-E. A., Lartey, N.N.L., Okorley, E.L., Jones, E.O., Boansi, D..  2024.  Farm operation injuries among cocoa famers in Ghana: Investigating the causes, choice of treatment and compliance to safety standards.  African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development , . (Open Access)   Further Information

Tiar SM, Bessedik M, Abdelbaki C, ElSayed NB, Badraoui A, Slimani A, Kumar N..  2024.  Steady-State and Dynamic Simulation for Wastewater Treatment Plant Management: Case Study of Maghnia City, North-West Algeria..  Water, 16(2):269   . (Open Access)   Further Information

van de Locht, K., I. Perrar, J. Minetto Gellert Paris, M.E. Schnermann, K. Oluwagbemigun, U. Alexy, U. Nöthlings.  2024.  Environmental sustainability of diets among children and adolescents in the German DONALD cohort study: Age and time trends, and nutrient adequacy.  The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, In press   . (Open Access)   Further Information

Van Der Wiel, B.Z., L. Caspersen, C. Whitney, C. Van Middelaar, J. Weijma, and F. Wichern.  2024.  Participatory modelling of scenarios to restore nitrogen cycles in a nutrient-saturated area.  Science of The Total Environment, : 170335   . (Open Access)   Further Information

Velander S. and de Dòna M..  2024.  Leveraging windows of opportunity for expertise to matter in global environmental governance: Insights from the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification.  Frontiers in Climate, 5   . (Open Access)   Further Information

von Groß, V., K.T. Sibhatu, A, Knohl, M. Qaim, E. Veldkamp, D. Hölscher, D.C. Zemp, M.D. Corre, I. Grass, S. Fiedler, C. Stiegler, B. Irawan, L. Sundawati, K. Husmann, C. Paul.  2024.  Transformation Scenarios Towards Multifunctional Landscapes: A Multi-Criteria Land-Use Allocation Model Applied to Jambi Province, Indonesia.  Journal of Environmental Management, 356   : 120710   . (Open Access)   Further Information

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