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Further ZEF publications


Gender in ZEF. A report on gender-sensitive research at ZEF

Gender in ZEF. A report on gender-sensitive research at ZEF.

by Dr. Dennis L. Avilés Irahola

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From Potentials to Reality: Transforming Africa's Food Production

From Potentials to Reality: Transforming Africa's Food Production.

Investment and policy priorities for sufficient, nutritious and sustainable food supplies

Report by PARI (ZEF) and Akademiya 2063

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Investment Costs and Policy Action Opportunities for Reaching a World without Hunger (SDG 2)

Investment Costs and Policy Action Opportunities for Reaching a World without Hunger (SDG 2).

Study of ZEF in cooperation with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

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ZEF's Strategy Paper 2021-2030

ZEF's Strategy Paper 2021-2030.

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Byte BY Byte - Politische Innovationen zur Transformation des afrikanischen Ernährungssystems mit digitalen Technologien.

Malabo Montpellier Panel Report

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Bewässert - Innovative Bewässerungsstrategien für Afrika

Bewässert - Innovative Bewässerungsstrategien für Afrika.

Malabo Montpellier Panel Report

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Assessing the Implementation of SDG 2 - Financial Needs and Developments with Special Reference to G7 Commitments

Assessing the Implementation of SDG 2 - Financial Needs and Developments with Special Reference to G7 Commitments.

Progress report of a study commissioned by the Federal German Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) as an input to the G7 Food Security Working Group and the national and international discussion to independently assess SDG 2 implementation, financial needs, and development in reference to the Elmau 500 million commitment: "we aim to lift 500 million people in developing countries out of hunger and malnutrition by 2030"

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Mechanisiert - Transformation der landwirtschaftlichen Wertschöpfungsketten Afrikas

Mechanisiert - Transformation der landwirtschaftlichen Wertschöpfungsketten Afrikas.

Malabo Montpellier Panel Report

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Vegetable species for multi-storey cropping systems and human nutrition

Vegetable species for multi-storey cropping systems and human nutrition.

by NutriHAF Africa

Booklet in English and Oromifa

compiled by the NutriHAF team Gudrun B. Keding, Simone K. Kriesemer, Edossa Etissa, Techane Gonfa and Admassu Tesso

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Légumes et fruits dans les systèmes de culture en multi-étages et leur importance dans l’équilibre alimentaire

Légumes et fruits dans les systèmes de culture en multi-étages et leur importance dans l’équilibre alimentaire.

Cas de la Région Atsimo-Atsinanana, Madagascar

by NutriHAF Africa

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WASH' Nutrition - practical guidebook on increasing nutritional impact through integration of WASH and nutrition programmes

WASH' Nutrition - practical guidebook on increasing nutritional impact through integration of WASH and nutrition programmes.

by Mohammad Monirul Hasan; Further information

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Inter and transdisciplinarity at ZEF

Inter and transdisciplinarity at ZEF.

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"Development" – our view at the Center for Development Research (ZEF)

"Development" – our view at the Center for Development Research (ZEF).

Note and notion of ZEF

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Evaluation Report 2010-2016

Evaluation Report 2010-2016.

Report of the Third External Review of the Bonn Center for Development Research (ZEF)

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Evaluation Report 2010-2016 - Comments and Responses

Evaluation Report 2010-2016 - Comments and Responses.

ZEF Board and Management comments and responses to the External Review 2010 - 2016

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Farmer Innovation Contest. Winners 2012-2015, Ghana

Farmer Innovation Contest. Winners 2012-2015, Ghana.

by Tobias Wünscher / WASCAL

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Ex-ante technology assessment for inclusive poverty reduction and sustainable productivity growth in agriculture (TIGA): A manual

Ex-ante technology assessment for inclusive poverty reduction and sustainable productivity growth in agriculture (TIGA): A manual.

by Malek Mohammad Abdul and Franz Gatzweiler

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ZEF Strategy 2015 - 2020

ZEF Strategy 2015 - 2020.

ZEF's research activities, strategic directions and long-term goals for the Center over the next five years.

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WASCAL Report 2010-2014

WASCAL Report 2010-2014.

WASCAL Report 2010-2014 in French and English

Please find more information on WASCAL here: <link http: www.wascal.org external-link-new-window external link in new>www.wascal.org

<link http: www.wascal.org fileadmin user_upload publications annual_reports wascal_report_2010-2014_web_engl.pdf _blank external-link-new-window external link in new>Download (english) [PDF | 6.9MB]
<link http: www.wascal.org fileadmin user_upload publications annual_reports wascal_rapport_2010-2014_web_fr.pdf _blank external-link-new-window external link in new>Download (french) [PDF | 9.55MB]

NGOs: Development actors as agents for alternatives to development? Exploring the case of Haiti

NGOs: Development actors as agents for alternatives to development? Exploring the case of Haiti.

ZEF research in brief

by Julia Schöneberg

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A comparative study on cotton production in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan

A comparative study on cotton production in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.

This paper analyzes and evaluates the cotton production sectors in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. Based on empirical research the authors developed potential avenues for improvement.

by Anastasiya Shtaltovna and Anna-Katharina Hornidge , ZEF Bonn , Bonn

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Tracking waste: What really happens to our electronic devices

Tracking waste: What really happens to our electronic devices.

ZEF research in brief

by Vincent Kyere, Sampson Atiemo and Klaus Greve

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Economic and ecological restructuring of land and water use in the region Khorezm in Uzbekistan

Economic and ecological restructuring of land and water use in the region Khorezm in Uzbekistan.

Recognition, visibility, and the beacons set for a handover: Highlights of a decade of interdisciplinary research and education in the Aral Sea Basin in Central Asia

by John Lamers , Center for Development Research (ZEF) , Bonn

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Вслед за Инновациями: Совместное тестирование и адаптация сельскохозяйственных инноваций в Узбекистане

Вслед за Инновациями: Совместное тестирование и адаптация сельскохозяйственных инноваций в Узбекистане.

Справочник для исследователей и практиков

by Мехмуд Ул-Хассан et al , Center for Development Research (ZEF) , Бонн

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Global Environmental Change & Water-related Diseases: Improving Risk Assessment Strategies for Public Health Care in Uzbekistan

Global Environmental Change & Water-related Diseases: Improving Risk Assessment Strategies for Public Health Care in Uzbekistan.

Highlights from a collaborative workshop, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, May 2-6, 2011

Center for Development Research (ZEF) , Bonn

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ZEF Strategic Research Agenda for Central Asia

ZEF Strategic Research Agenda for Central Asia.

by Ahmad M. Manschadi et al , Center for Development Research (ZEF) , Bonn

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Follow the Innovation: Participatory Testing and Adaptation of Agricultural Innovations in Uzbekistan

Follow the Innovation: Participatory Testing and Adaptation of Agricultural Innovations in Uzbekistan.

Guidelines for Researchers and Practitioners

by Mehmood Ul-Hassan et al , Center for Development Research (ZEF) , Bonn

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Waiting for the water to come? Poverty reduction in times of global climate change

Waiting for the water to come? Poverty reduction in times of global climate change.

by Dr. Fabian Scholtes and Dr. Anna-Katharina Hornidge , Ed.: CARE Deutschland-Luxemburg, Zentrum für Entwicklungsforschung (ZEF)

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Land decline in Land-Rich Africa - A creeping disaster in the making

Land decline in Land-Rich Africa - A creeping disaster in the making.

by Paul L. G. Vlek, Quang Bao Le, Lulseged Tamene SCIENCE COUNCIL CGIAR(FAO) , The Center for Development Research (ZEF) , Bonn

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ZEF's strategy paper

ZEF's strategy paper.

ZEF's research activities for the coming decade, lessons learned since 1997, strategic directions and long-term goals for the Center over the next ten years

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1997-2007: 10 Years of Development Research. Publications on Economic, Cultural, and Ecological Change in the Developing World

1997-2007: 10 Years of Development Research. Publications on Economic, Cultural, and Ecological Change in the Developing World.

from the Center for Development Research (ZEF) at the University of Bonn

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