Economic and Technological Change (ECON)


Bekchanov,M., A.Bhaduri and, C. Ringler.  2015.  Potential gains from water rights trading in the Aral Sea Basin.  Agricultural Water Management, 152   : 41-56   . Further Information
Boansi D. and Favour R.M..  2015.  Why the Persistent Increase in Ghana’s Rice Imports? Prescriptions for Future Rice Policy.  Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology, 7(4)   : 1-21 . DOI: 10.9734/AJAEES/2015/18834   . (Open Access)   Download [PDF | 614.76KB]
Further Information
Engel, S. and Wünscher, T.  2015.  Payments for environmental services as a mechanism to promote biodiversity conservation in a Green Economy: Potentials and limitations.  In: Gasparatos, A., Willis, K. (eds.): Biodiversity within the Green Economy. London: Routledge.  
Haile, M. G., Kalkuhl, M., and Usman, M. A.  2015.  Market information and smallholder farmer price expectations.  African Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 10 (4)   : 297-311   . Further Information
Husmann, C.  2015.  Transaction costs on the Ethiopian formal seed market and innovations for encouraging private sector investments.  Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture, 54(1)   : 59-67   .
Islam, A.H.Md. S., B.K. Barman, K. Murshed-e-Jahan.  2015.  Adoption and impact of integrated rice–fish farming system in Bangladesh.  Aquaculture, 10   : 447   .
Mirzabaev, A., D. Guta, J. Goedecke, V. Gaur, J. Börner, D. Virchow, M. Denich and J. von Braun.  2015.  Bioenergy, food security and poverty reduction: trade-offs and synergies along the water–energy–food security nexus.  Water International, 40(5-6)   : 772-790   .
Mirzabaev, A., Nkonya, E., & von Braun, J.  2015.  Economics of sustainable land management.  Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 15   : 9-19   .
Muriithi, B. W. and J.A. Matz.  2015.  Welfare effects of vegetable commercialization: Evidence from smallholder producers in Kenya.  Food Policy, 50   : 80-91   . Further Information
Musafiri, I.  2015.  The impact of local level institutions in addressing rural poverty in Nyamagabe District, Rwanda.  The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Organizational Studies, 10 (1)   : 11-25   .
Mwale J and Mirzabaev A.  2015.  Agriculture, biofuels and watersheds in the waterenergy- food nexus: governance challenges at local and global scales.  Change and Adaptation in Socio-Ecological Systems, 2(1)   : 91-93   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Rosa da Conceição, H., J. Börner and S. Wunder.  2015.  Why were upscaled incentive programs for forest conservation adopted? Comparing policy choices in Brazil, Ecuador,and Peru.  Ecosystem Services, Http://   .
Tambo, J.A. and Wünscher, T.  2015.  Identification and prioritization of farmers' innovations in northern Ghana.  Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, 06 (30)   : 537-549   . Further Information
Viveros Añorve, J.L..  2015.  Towards a more effective poverty reduction in Mexico: a general equilibrium assessment.  International Journal of Economic Sciences, 4(1)   : 75-101   . Further Information
Winands-Kalkuhl, S. and K. Holm-Müller.  2015.  Bilateral vs. Multilateral? On the economics and politics of a global mechanism for genetic resource use.  Journal of Natural Resources Policy Research, 7 (4)   : 305-322   . Further Information


Baumüller, H., C. Husmann & J. von Braun.  2014.  Innovative Business Approaches for the Reduction of Extreme Poverty and Marginality?.  In: J. von Braun & F.W. Gatzweiler (eds.): Marginality. Addressing the Nexus of Poverty, Exclusion and Ecology.. Springer.   331-352.  (Open Acess)  Further Information
Bekchanov M., A. Bhaduri, M. Lenzen, and J.P.A. Lamers.  2014.  Integrating Input-Output Modeling with Multi-criteria Analysis to Assess Options for Sustainable Economic Transformation: The Case of Uzbekistan..  In: Bhaduri, A., J. Bogardi, J. Leentvaar, and S. Marx (eds.): The Global Water System in the Anthropocene. Springer Verlag.   229-245. 
Boansi D..  2014.  Comparative Performance of Agricultural Export Trade: During and Post-Agricultural Diversification Project in Ghana.  British Journal of Economics, Management and Trade, 4(10)   : 1501-1511. DOI: 10.9734/BJEMT/2014/10715   . Download [PDF]
Further Information
Boansi D..  2014.  Yield response of rice in Nigeria: A co-integration analysis.  American Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 2 (2)   : 15-24. DOI: 10.11648/j.ajaf.20140202.11   . Download (english) [PDF]
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Further Information
Boansi, D., Lokonon, B.O.K., Appah, J..  2014.  Cotton Lint Export Trade in the Midst of Distortion: What are the Competitiveness Statuses of Major Players in the Industry? Case of 12 Selected Countries.  British Journal of Economics, Management and Trade, 4(12).   : 1785-1803. DOI: 10.9734/BJEMT/2014/11913   . Download [PDF | 309.27KB]
Further Information
Boansi, D., Lokonon, B.O.K., Appah, J..  2014.  Determinants of Agricultural Export Trade: Case of Fresh Pineapple Exports from Ghana.  British Journal of Economics, Management and Trade, 4(11)   : 1736-1754. DOI: 10.9734/BJEMT/2014/10773   . Download [PDF | 612.89KB]
Further Information
Boansi, D., Lokonon, B.O.K., Appah, J..  2014.  Co-integration Analysis of the Determinants of Cotton Lint Exports from Mali.  Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology, 3(6)   : 544-561. DOI : 10.9734/AJAEES/2014/11440   . Download [PDF | 356.04KB]
Further Information
Djanibekov, N. and R. Sommer.  2014.  Integrated decision support for sustainable and profitable land management in the lowlands of Central Asia.  In: Mueller, L., Saparov, S., Lischeid, G. (eds.): Novel Measurement and Assessment Tools for Monitoring and Management of Land and Water Resources in Agricultural Landscapes of Central Asia. Springer: Cham Heidelberg New York Dordrecht London.   407-422.  Further Information
Franz W. Gatzweiler.  2014.  Value, institutional complementarity and variety in coupled socio-ecological systems.  Ecosystem Services, . (Open Access)   Further Information
Gatzweiler, F. and Baumüller, H.  2014.  Marginality—A Framework for Analyzing Causal Complexities of Poverty.  In: J. von Braun and F. Gatzweiler (eds.): Marginality: Addressing the Nexus of Poverty, Exclusion and Ecology. Springer.   27-40.  (Open Acess)  Further Information
Gatzweiler, F.W..  2014.  Reframing the value of nature: biological value and institutional homeostasis.  Environmental Values, 23   : 275-296   .
Graw, V. & C. Husmann.  2014.  Mapping Marginality Hotspots. Geographical Targeting for Poverty Reduction..  In: J. von Braun & F.W. Gatzweiler (eds.): Marginality. Addressing the Nexus of Poverty, Exclusion and Ecology. Springer.   69-84.  Further Information
Guta, D.D.,.  2014.  Effect of fuelwood scarcity and socio-economic factors on household bio-based energy use and energy substitution in rural Ethiopia.  Energy policy, 75   : 217-227   . Further Information
Haile, M. G., Kalkuhl, M., and von Braun, J.  2014.  Inter- and Intra-Seasonal Crop Acreage Response to International Food Prices and Implications of Volatility.  Agricultural Economics, 6 (45)   : 693-710   .
Hasan M.M..  2014.  Does meat consumption increase obesity? an evidence from European countries.  International Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2 (1)   : 1-5   . Further Information
Hasan, M. M..  2014.  Climate Change Induced Marginality: Households’ Vulnerability in the Meal Consumption Frequencies.  American Journal of Environmental Protection, 3(3)   : 103-112   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Khalumba, M., Wünscher, T., Wunder, S., Büdenbender, M., Holm-Müller, K..  2014.  Combining Auctions and Performance-Based Payments in a Forest Enrichment Field Trial in Western Kenya.  Conservation Biology , 28(3)   : 861–866   .
Kidido, J. K and Kuusaana, E. D.  2014.  Large-Scale Investment in Biofuel Feedstock Production and Emerging Land Issues in Ghana.  Journal of Social Science Studies , 1 (2)   : 14   .
Mohammad Monirul Hasan.  2014.  Seasonality Induced Marginality: Vulnerability of Wage Earners’ Food and Nutrition Security in Southern Bangladesh.  American Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 2(4)   : 121-128   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Muriithi B.W. and J.A. Matz.  2014.  Smallholder Participation in the Commercialisation of Vegetables: Evidence from Kenyan Panel Data.  Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture, 53(2)   : 141-168   .
Okello, J.J, Kirui, O.K, Njiraini, G.W,Gitonga,Z.M, Nzuma,J.M.  2014.  Determinants of Awareness and use of ICT based Market Information Services in Developing-Country Agriculture: The case of Smallholder Farmers in Kenya.  Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture, 53(3)   : 263-282   .
Oskenbayev, Y. and G. Turabayev.  2014.  Price Transmission Analysis along the Food Chain in Kazakhstan.  Modern Economy, 5 (3)   : DOI:10.4236/me.2014.53019   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Pangaribowo, E. H.  2014.  Consumption Behavior of the Poorest and Policy Implications in Indonesia.  In: von Braun, Joachim, Gatzweiler, Franz W. (Eds.) (eds.): Marginality. Springer.   389.  Further Information
Thuo, M., B. E. Bravo-Ureta, K. Obeng-Asiedu and I. Hathie.  2014.  Adoption of Agricultural Input Packages by Smallholder Farmers: The Case of Groundnut Hybrid Seed and Chemical Fertilizer in the Senegalese Groundnut Basin.  The Journal of Developing Areas, 48 (1)   : 61-82   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Villamor, G., M. van Noordwijk, U. Djanibekov, M.E. Chiong-Javier and D. Catacutan.  2014.  Gender differences in land-use decisions: shaping multifunctional landscapes?.  Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 6   : 128-133   . Further Information

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